Apples and Red Shoes Cause Chaos

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Dawn's POV

I was in shock, Arthur had forcefully taken me away from Rowan and Annabella just so he can take me back to Jack?! I was livid. "What the hell, Arthur?!" He then shushed me while looking around, I couldn't believe him. I was so mad that I stayed silent, in fear that my beastly form would come out and scare everybody that I knew in town... "Red Shoes!!" "What is it now?" Arthur looked up at me and laughed nervously. " see my friend is missing and I really need to find her-" I scoffed in disbelief, "you? A friend? Highly likely-" Just then we turned around and saw a woman running away from the two big men in front of us. "Red Shoes!" The two men turned around and I saw how they chased after her. Rowan caught up with us and asked what was going on but before I could say anything, Arthur grabbed me again and ran after the girl.

I saw Merlin get on top of a weird bunny-looking thing and he grabbed the girl running, or I guess in this case, hopping away as fast as they could from the two men. Seeing as there was no other way to catch up to them, I compressed all of my anger and turned into my beast, grabbing Arthur and the others to chase after them. When the two big men turned around, they froze in fear as I rushed past them, causing many of the village folk to scream and run in terror, I was hopeless.

Merlin eventually stopped the rabbit at a flower field and we all took heavy breaths. " we know how fast a rabbit will hop when in a pinch-" The woman laughed and I painfully changed back to a human. "I..." Before I knew it, I fainted, it was horrible. My body felt stiff and my lungs were in pain, it felt as if my life was already gone, but I knew that wasn't the case.

Red Shoes POV

The kind beastly woman transformed back right before my eyes. It was so nice to see someone who wasn't afraid about how others saw her...unlike me. I love my body but if it weren't for these shoes then Merlin would never have helped... When I turned around to thank the entire group, the girl fainted. "Oh no!" I ran to her and the blonde man held her up, keeping her from hitting her head. A small pig snorted and worriedly looked up at us. I didn't know what to do...

Merlin got an idea to make my father's picture in the flowers, which was really sweet of him. But I couldn't help but look over in fear of the girl that was now laying in the blonde's lap. "Rowan..." He said his name and introduced himself as Jack's older brother. "Red Shoes. It's nice to meet you." I shook the guy's hand and he turned his attention back to the girl. "This is Dawn... She is cursed as you can tell and anytime she transforms, she loses another part of her human self..."

Spot POV

There she human laying, hurt in Rowan's lap. All I could think of doing was watching them all as they started heading up a hill. What's that smell? I think I smell something rotting, kind of like a bad omen... I hope it has nothing to do with Dawn... "Snort!" That was all I managed to get out before running to catch up with the group.

Jack's POV

I, Hans, and the triplets were all sitting in the living room when Arthur and Merlin came home. "No luck I see?" Hans looked up while stating, "No... Not really" Red Shoes said with a worried expression. "But we found something- or somethings! That I'd believe you'd want to see Jack." I immediately looked up and over towards the door as Arthur and Merlin stepped out of the way. I couldn't believe it- It was my brother!!! I couldn't let him see me like this, a horrible and ugly little green monster! I quickly ran into my bedroom to hide from him- AND MY SISTER!! "Uhhh- Not home!!"

Arthur and Merlin both laughed as I heard them invite the two inside, why them- Why did it have to be, wait...was he holding Dawn? I thought to myself and then sighed, looking at my human hands, "I'll be out in a second..." I put my hand over my chest and breathed in carefully, not knowing what I was going to do. On one hand, I really wanted to see Dawn and my family, on the other, I couldn't let my siblings see me in such a state- I'm horrendously ugly!!

I eventually grabbed the courage to step out of my door, worried about what Rowan and Annabella would think... "Hey..." I heard myself say but yet I had a bittersweet kind of tone. I saw Rowan and Annabella's faces go from shock into laughter. Of course. "go ahead and laugh..." I looked down and Annabeth ran to me, hugging me. Before long, Rowan was hugging me as well, what was happening? "Don't worry dude. You're fine. You're still our obnoxious brother no matter what you look like." "Gee...thanks." I huffed and Red Shoes smiled at me while giggling. "Well. I guess you now know that we aren't actually Dwarfs." Merlin exclaimed and then tried to make a move on Red Shoes. 

I looked around the living room and spotted Dawn, she was asleep on the couch, awe. Wait...what was I thinking? Rowan let go of me and then continued to speak, apparently, our mother wants to see me in about a few weeks. "Alright... But I can't go looking like this!!" Rowan nodded as if he understood the situation at hand. "Okay, okay Jack. But as soon as you break your curse you're coming home with me.

After we talked everything through a bit, we heard a noise, apparently Prince Average wants to fight, alright, he better get ready to feel the pain of the Fearless 7.

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