Broken Curses

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Jack POV

I was awkwardly standing at her feet as she sat in front of me... We both looked at each other in silence, not knowing what to do...  "Well..?" I hopefully said to her as she just looked at her lap. Hans and the triplets all sat and watched us. I was very nervous and I felt my entire body shiver in fear. Rowan and Annabella silently left in order to save us both from the awkwardness of the situation.

Dawn POV

I sighed and looked back at Jack, "I need a few days to think... Everything that has happened, it happened too fast!" When I felt the tears start to form I felt his handhold mine. "Alright... I'll wait as long as I can... I promise because, to me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world...even in your cute beast form..." I looked at Jack and smiled softly, "thank you..." Before I could think, I had kissed Jack. I heard the audible gasps of Hans and the triplets and yet, I didn't care. 

There was a blinding flash of light and when I opened my eyes, there was Jack. He was handsome...more handsome than the short little green dwarf he was at least. "Jack-! Your curse! It's broken!" Jack looked down at his body and then up at me, " Thank you, Dawn-! I- I really love you..." I felt my face heat up and I smiled, " was impulsive-" "Your face!" "Your hair!" "Your teeth!" Pino, Noki, and Kio all jumped up in the excitement and ran over to me. "What-?" I felt their little hands inspect my body and then they looked at each other and mumbled.

"Your curse is also gone!" I looked at Jack, who now made my face blush whenever I looked at him. "I guess we..." He began his sentence as I stood up and hugged him, I felt his body tense up. "Dawn..." I smiled into his shoulder and his head rested on top of mine. The moment was nice.

That is until Arthur opened the front door and three little wooden bears told him about Merlin's magic spells. Arthur knew precisely what to do. "Sorry to ruin this romantic moment, but we need to help save Merlin and Red Shoes." Jack let go of me a little hesitantly and nodded. "Alright. But we need a plan-" "I say we run in head-on and destroy what we see on sight!" I looked at Arthur with a disgusted and confused face and shook my head, "no! We can't just run in without a plan!" Hans and the triplets all agreed and Spot snorted.

"Here's what we do, we sneak into the castle the best way we can and as soon as we see Merlin or Red Shoes, we'll help them defeat not only Regina but her tree as well." Arthur and the others intently listened to my plan but when I looked over at Jack, all he was doing was staring at me- creepily with half-lidded eyes and a goofy smirk. "Jack? Jack!! Are you even paying attention??" I saw him snap out of whatever was ahold of him and he nodded, "sorry- I just- haha... I'll go get my cloak..." Hans laughed and shook his head, "Gee Jack, your head is gone!"

Jack POV

I ran with the entire group, having to keep Dawn's hand in mine since she can't run all that fast anymore. "Are you all a-ready?" "I am when you are Pino!" "Right you are Kio!" I chuckled now knowing that it's possible for all of us to break our curses...I wonder if the triplets will even try to? They seem just fine the way they are. But when I looked back at Dawn I realized one small thing, I didn't deserve her. All my life I was poor and I barely had any money...her father hated me and then I broke my promise of seeing her again...

Dawn POV

We reached the castled but when I looked at Jack he seemed out of it. "Come on Hans, this way!" I heard Arthur say as he ran with Hans and the triplets towards the main entrance. I grabbed Rowan and Jack while running towards some vines Regina made to climb. "Dawn, hold on, you shouldn't climb these without help..." I rolled my eyes at Rowan and climbed the vines, struggling a little, but making it. Jack followed after me and Rowan finally. "How do you think Annabella, the bears, and Spot are doing?" Jack looked to his brother and laughed, "oh don't worry about them, they'll be fine, Annabella is already 13!" I giggled and put my hand on Jack's shoulder and jokingly said, "you do know that she only has 5 more years until she marries, right?" I saw his face freeze and his eyes widen as he shook his head, "no-no- that will never happen!"

The three of us walked on the ledge of one of the big windows as we peeked into every window. "Let go of me!!" I faintly heard Merlin screaming and struggling for help, apparently so did Jack because as soon as he heard that, he busted through the window we were on causing the glass to shatter everywhere. "Did someone ask for backup?" I watched as the triplets inside of their machine blasted through the doors as Hans and Arthur came behind them. "Come on Dawn. I felt Rowan's arms wrap around my waist as we hopped through the now shattered window.

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