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Jack POV

When Merlin told me the news that Regina most likely had tricked Dawn into becoming a frenzied monster I felt my world shatter. "Jack..? Are you okay?" I felt him touch my arm and I looked at him, "Merlin, are you sure that she was what you saw??" Merlin looked at Snow who nodded, "she looked like she did when I first met her...face and everything, only her eyes weren't human, more like an animal's." Arthur sighed and sat down on the couch, rubbing the sides of his head, "Red used to do the same thing when we first met...full moons I tell ya..." Hans chuckled and shook his head, "it's not the time to reminisce...we have to find Dawn, she is somewhere in the Dark Forest, right?" Merlin nodded.

I couldn't sit still, when I figured out that Dawn was in attack mode I knew she must have been in some kind of pain... "Did she seem to be hurt in any kind of way?" Merlin shook his head and Snow piped up, "she just attacked us, she didn't look hurt or in any kind of pain..." I just stood up and nodded, grasping my cloak, "come on then...we had best make a plan to help." I left the room.

Merlin POV

I watched Jack leave and then I turned to everyone else, "does he seem...not as saddened as he should be..?" Rowan looked at me and sighed, "Jack has a different way of expressing sadness...he had it since he was a kid..." Arthur nodded, "remember when Dawn left him the first time? He never cried, all he did was mope around..." I thought about it and agreed, "but he still seems so...hmm..." Rowan looked at Jack's door and then looked at me, "Dawn has a secret she has yet to tell Jack, but she has told me and the triplets...and seeing as they aren't here, I can tell you." I turned to Rowan and tilted my head with an examined face.

"About 2 weeks ago I caught Dawn sitting outside, really sick. She avoided Jack and because of this, he was a little sad because he thought it was something he did...turns out it kind of was. She's pregnant." My jaw dropped and my eyes widened, "What!?" Snow giggled and did a small happy dance, I wasn't too happy about it though. "How could she keep that from him!?" Rowan's face was serious as he looked up at me, "She's afraid of his reaction..." Arthur interrupted Rowan, "and yet she's marrying him. I guess she planned to tell him after..." I sighed and shook my head, "That's just..." Snow put her hand on my shoulder, "I understand her..."

I looked at my wife and questioned her, "what do you mean?" Snow sighed, "women always overreact. Take it from one, we always do really stupid things when afraid, like keeping secrets." I just furrowed my eyebrows, "you better not be keeping anything from me..." Snow smiled and shook her head, "the only thing I kept from you was my body without those red shoes, and right now the fact that Dawn thought about running and leaving Jack at the altar because she felt like being sick, which I guess we all know why now..."

Jack POV

When I came out of my room everyone seemed so quiet, unnaturally quiet. "What happened?" Rowan sat me down next to Arthur and sighed, "I should have told you this before but Dawn wanted to tell you herself... You're going to be a father." It took me a few minutes to process what my brother had just said but when it hit me I smiled, my eyebrows furrowed. "Why- why would she keep that from me? That is great news!! But- oh...haha...I guess you all know that we kinda-" Merlin lifted his hand, "stop. We don't need every detail about your sex life." I blushed in embarrassment, "sorry, it's just not normal to do it before marriage..." Rowan laughed and shook his head, "and you think me and the men I'm with do it after marriage??" I shoved my brother's face away from me and I chuckled, "alright you no-filtered weirdo."

Hans picked up something and handed it to me, "here, I found this at the altar... I don't know what it is." When I took a close look at what he had given me, it was a key. "A key?" Everybody looked at it and shook their heads, "I don't know what it goes to." "Arthur, you never know what anything goes to." I laughed at Hans's comment and just shook my head with a smile. "I think Regina might have dropped it..." Hans said as he took the key from me. "That is possible..."

Regina POV

I stood there, watching her as she paced in the cage she was in. "Hmm... This was a mistake. She won't let me close enough to her." My now-fixed mirror stretched over to me, "maybe you should try to, I don't know, lower her hormones. I heard pregnant animals can be very territorial." I waved my hand at the dumb mirror and scoffed, "the apple should have made her under my control...maybe she wasn't fully convinced when she took that bite..." "Maybe try giving her another apple, I heard that could work." "Idiot! She won't eat apples, in this form! I've tried!!"

I looked over to the beast and saw her thrust her body against the gate door. "Oh shut it, you damned animal.." She then growled at me, her arm reaching out of the bars. "I said shut up!! I swear I will turn you into a damn statue!!" She growled and then continued to pace. "Damned beast." My mirror stretched in front of me and sighed, "My lady, you do know that she could just be protecting her young, that is why she won't let you near." "Whatever... Mirror, show me the 7- well now 4." I watched my mirror fade into their small shack. "Hmm." There they were, the 4 with Snow and Rowan. "Good. They aren't coming yet, but when they do, they'll be surprised."

Dawn POV

Everything was black...I couldn't move, my body hurt... All I could think of was Jack and the baby... I couldn't shake the feeling that I did something wrong, I regret ever biting that apple. I looked around the void, I was ready to give up, but then I saw a bright light. "Huh?" "Hello, sweet one..." I saw Rose, "Rose?! You're fine? But-'re dead..." My face fell and I felt her warm touch lift my head up, "Don't worry my sweet... You must not give up... Remember what I and your mother said... Be strong, don't give up..." I felt myself cry, "I can't do anything... Regina has made me frenzy..." Rose smiled and hugged me, "don't worry...if Jack truly loves you, he will save you from this pain...and you're in luck... He and the others are planning to rescue you." I felt stupid for believing Regina's lies, I felt like crying but I began to hum softly.

Rose touched my cheek and she smiled, "that's it...keep calm and let your love guide him..." I nodded and started to sing.

Jack POV

As we discussed what we were going to do, I felt sick to my stomach, "Guys...I think I need to go to sleep... My head hurts, it's dark outside, and we all are distraught..." Merlin agreed with me and decided to sleep in our old house, "better than nothing, right?" Snow laughed and nodded, "it has been a bit since we all stayed the night here..." Arthur already headed off to his room and Hans yawned. "Good night..." I smiled as I went to my room.

Laying down, I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me... Then I heard it, Dawn's soft humming, I must be going crazy.

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