The Search

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Jack POV

I saw my love disappear in front of me, I was distraught, Regina had used my brother's images to capture her. "Jack..?" I turned around and saw Rowan, "Jack, are you okay?" I started crying, "Rowan! Regina took Dawn! I don't know what to do anymore- she was taken right in front of me...I can't lose her..." Rowan put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Come on, we'll meet up with the others and tell them the issue..." I nodded and followed Rowan back into the altar room, Snow and Merlin were discussing something, and Hans and Aurora were trying to calm each other down as Arthur was sitting next to Red's statue. When we entered Snow looked over and gasped, "Where's Dawn!? Wasn't she with you?" I lowered my head and Rowan took over for me, "Regina took her."

I saw Snow look at Merlin and like he knew what she thought, he nodded, "Come on. We'll have more luck finding them by searching than moping around all day." I nodded and saw movement out of the corner of my eye, "Whoa-" Spot ran out from under a table with Rapunzel and Flynn. "We can help if you need us to!" Flynn looked at Rapunzel and shook his head, "You are going to get yourself killed!" Snow smiled and laughed, "Alright, you two can help..."

Dawn POV

When I woke up, Regina was standing in front of me, I guess she knocked me out to tie me up since my hands were restricted. "What do you want from me!?" Regina cackled and my blood went cold. "Oh, sweet, innocent, Dawn... You have more power than you know, your beast form will come in handy in case of emergencies... Now, all we need to do is make you lose control of it. What better way, than with an apple..." She shoved one of her poisoned apples in my face and I turned away from it, making her growl in anger. "TAKE A BITE!" I avoided the apple as she moved it closer to my mouth, "Stop, please!!" Regina drew her arm back.

"Oh please, don't bother with pleading for me to stop. It's for your own good anyway..." She rubbed the apple on her gross cape and looked away from me, "What do you mean?" She kneeled towards me and smiled, "I saved you from marrying that idiot, you know... Marriage is a final thing, lockdown for most... That prince never loved you, he only wanted to break his curse..." I looked at her and her eyes were so sincere, "But- he loves me, Jack would never do that for his own gain! If he did then-" Regina smirked and looked at my stomach, "then you wouldn't be pregnant with his child, I get it. But don't you think he just wants you to believe he loves you just so he could break his curse and then leave you? I bet as soon as he finds out you're pregnant he'll leave you. Then who would want a half-beast with a child!?"

The realization hit me, she was trying to trick me into biting the apple willingly, but she was right...Jack would probably leave me... NO! He wouldn't, would he? My mind was racing as I looked back at the woman, she looked so serious... " wouldn't have broken if he didn't love me back!" Regina chuckled and shook her head, "do you see your father turning into a beast anymore? No. He didn't break your curse, your father had 10 years, and you have 7 years left. Jack never loved you... I'm sorry." I remembered the book my mother wrote and it specifically said 10 years... Regina was right... " It can't be true!" Regina nodded, "Just one bite, it will fix your problems..." I looked at the apple. One bite?

Jack POV

We all decided to split up and search the lands. Arthur took golden goose avenue, Snow and Merlin took the spooky forest, Hans and Aurora went to nearby villages, and I and Rowan decided to search the cloud in the sky... "Remember when you climbed up there? It was really funny seeing a giant chase you as you climbed down, at least the guy was too lazy to follow you..." I laughed a bit and scratched the back of my head, "yep... But I and him are on good terms and he said he would have come to the wedding if he could but the Mrs. wouldn't let him because the church was too small...poor guy..." Rowan laughed as we ascended the beanstalk that regrew over the years. "Well all we need to do is ask him if he had spotted Regina, we should be fine..." I agreed with Rowan.

Snow POV

"Do you think that Dawn is..." Merlin put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, "don't worry Snow... I'm sure she'll be fine... Regina wouldn't have just taken her if she didn't want something out of her." I nodded and smiled at him, "thank you...I needed that reassurance..." Merlin kissed my cheek and we both continued to search the forest. 

Eventually, we came across a clearing in which we both laid down to rest a little. "It's no use...she isn't in here anywhere!" I felt like giving up but then I remembered Jack and how distraught he was. "But we can't give up, because if we do, we give up not only on Dawn but Jack as well!" I looked at Merlin, "That is the smartest thing I have ever heard you say!" I giggled and kissed his cheek. Merlin and I shared a kiss but I saw his eyes turn to fear as he pulled me out of the way of something. "Look out!!" I turned around and stood up, "What is that thing?" Merlin's eyes widened even more and backed up, "run."

Jack POV

Rowan and I both traveled back home and sighed went we sat down on one of the nearby chairs. "Any luck?" We both shook our heads as Arthur sighed, "I'm sorry but no one knew where they went..." I nodded and leaned over, placing my chin in my hand. Suddenly, Merlin and Snow came through the door, in a frantic and fearful run. "Guys! Guys! We found Dawn, but you won't like this-!" I looked up and smiled, but it quickly faded as Merlin grabbed my hand and looked as if he was about to cry, "Jack...she's...too far gone in a frenzy..." My heart dropped.

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