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Dawn POV

It was a really big day. It had already been two years since the fight with Regina... "Oh Snow...what if something goes wrong!?" Snow White put her hands on my shoulders and smiled, "You'll be fine...I promise, when I married Merlin, it was the happiest day of my life. We both were happy the entire day so, there is nothing to be worried about..." I smiled, still a bit nervous about this day. "My parents will be here and you know how it went when I re-introduced jack to my father as the man who broke my curse..." "Yes well, he was accepting of him nonetheless because he helped you and you helped him!" I nodded and hugged Snow tightly and looked back into the mirror. A small pink rose was on the desk with a slice of Strawberry Cake.

"I'll never forget her..." Snow picked up my veil and then looked at me, "you mean that sweet woman, Rose? Me either, even if I never met her...she seemed so lovely." I softly smiled and picked up the rose, tucking it behind my ear. "I'm just really nervous..." "I understand, so was I...but you'll be fine, Jack loves you and you love him."

Jack POV

I was standing in the full-length mirror, staring at my outfit. "hmm. It just doesn't feel right. A white royal mantle...but it looks too plain." Rowan walked in front of me and looked at my suit, "you're right. It's Here, let me try something, close your eyes." I sighed and closed my eyes as Rowan did what he needed to. Annabella then came if, now being 15. "Jack! Dawn is almost ready!" I opened my eyes and looked at her, "Well...I'll need about 30 more minutes- the ceremony starts in about 2 hours anyway, we'll be fine." Annabella nodded and ran, I guess she needed to tell Dawn.

"Alright, you can look now." I turned towards the mirror and almost fainted. "What did you do!?" Rowan's face fell and twisted into fear, "I- I'm sorry I thought-" "It's perfect!!" I smiled and hugged Rowan tightly. "I love the gold and pink touches you added to it, thank you. It will match her dress perfectly."

Dawn POV

He's late. "Snow, Merlin, do you have any idea where Jack is?" Merlin shook his head and then thought to himself, "I think he is just about done getting ready, you know how he is, he takes more time to get ready than a woman would." Snow smacked the back of Merlin's head as I giggled to myself. I peeked out at the altar and saw Jack scramble to get into his place. "Sorry- Sorry- I'm late I had to fix my hair!" He pulled out the hand mirror I gave him oh so long ago and he fixed his hair, again. I heard a grunt from the crowd, and of course, it was my father.

"Late? Son, you know better than to be late." "I- sorry sir...I-" Surprisingly I saw my father stand up and laugh, "It's fine...happened to me on my big day as well. Call me dad." He walked down the side of the guests and sauntered to me. "Are you ready?" " called him son!" He smiled and nodded, "the guy isn't too bad, in fact, he is a great shot with a bow." I giggled and linked my arm with his, Snow and Merlin rushing to take their places as Maid and Man of Honor.

Two of the triplets opened the curtain while the third played the piano as me and my father walked down the aisle.

Jack POV

"Oh my god, isn't she just beautiful?" I whispered to Arthur, one of my groomsmen, who was now human due to Red Ridinghood, one of Dawn's bridesmaids. Rowan overheard and smiled, "you know, if you didn't love her then I would have taken her before you did..." I turned my attention to Rowan, "what..?" "Oh, nothing." Arthur then smirked and whispered in my ear, "I guess we can't make either of our girls mad, or else they'll become she-beasts." Hans overheard and laughed while Sleeping Beauty looked over at him as Flynn and Rapunzel stared at him awkwardly. When I turned back to Dawn she was making a scowl, which at that point, I couldn't stop my laughter. "Pft- HAHAHA-" I heard the guests gasp and once I started I couldn't stop.

She reached me at the altar and I was still laughing, Arthur now worried. "Jack...are you- okay?" I could tell she couldn't contain her laughter as well. "Yeah- Yeah...whew... Alright, I'm fine." The priest looked at me and shook his head, " *ahem* Do you Dawn take this man to be your lawfully wedded-" *CRASH* Everybody turned to the huge window that stood above the church doors.

"I'm back, did you all miss me?"

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