Roses and Jewels

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Later on during the night, Jack couldn't shake the feeling of dread and uncomfortable pain he felt. Hans noticed his misery and walked over to him, sitting next to him on their couch. "What seems to be the problem, Jack? You haven't looked this glum since well- when your face masks ran out!" Jack looked over at Hans and placed his head in his hand, "I can't stop feeling so awful inside, my stomach feels like vomiting and my head hurts..." Hans laughed and shook his head, "that, my friend, is food poisoning- wait...not my food! My food could never give someone food poisoning!" Jack dismissed the distraught dwarf and chuckled a bit.

"It isn't your food, Hans. I think it might be about Dawn...the way she looked at us with hate-" Hans cut him off with a freshly baked muffin, "relax Jack. It's all okay! Dawn and I had a discussion when I handed her some of my donuts, she seems to have calmed down, in fact, she wasn't in her beast form when I went to her!" Jack sighed in relief unknowingly and shook his head, "alright, but I will go check on her for right now..." Hans nodded in approval, his eyes closing as he watched his friend leave the house.

Dawn was playing with Spot and the pig paused before looking at the door opening. "Spot? What is it?" Before she could turn around Jack's voice piped up. "Don't look at me- please..." Dawn stayed turned around and continued to play with Spot. "Why not? Are you ashamed that you are a dwarf now because of your actions?" Jack, in his normal body, sighed and sat down next to Dawn, avoiding her gaze. The pen's lighting silhouettes his figure on the wall next to Dawn, she notices it and looks at it. " that..." He chuckled a bit, "Our curses work only when people look at us, y'know..." Dawn looked back at him and he turned back into his short, green self.

"That's hilarious! You guys are so awful-!" Jack was unamused, "I guess I'm not the only one that has changed for the worse..." Dawn looked at her lap and nodded, "my father never let me leave the castle after that day we met... He felt as if he was protecting me, and now I see how he was..." Jack put his hand on Dawn's back and rubbed it, "You're fine, at least your curse isn't almost 24/7, right?" Dawn shook her head, "You don't understand! It happens randomly and I can't control it! I think it's because of my mother being so pacifical..."  She looked at Jack, causing him to turn back into a dwarf, again.

"Jack...I will die in a year if I don't break this curse..."

Those words echoed through Jack's mind as he tossed and turned in his bed that night. He knew that not sleeping would make his face puffy but he couldn't care any less about that. He felt that he was partially at fault for not coming back as he promised her, but Jack also felt that he could help her break the curse somehow. Knowing how many books Merlin had, he ran to his room. "Hey Merlin, do you-" "Whatever it is, I'm busy! I'm sorry but I am!" Jack took a step back but stood his ground, "I need the book you have on The Beauty and The Beast!" Merlin looked at Jack with a puzzled face, "you're not- you don't want to fall in love with that girl out there, do you??"

Jack thought about it but dismissed it, "what!? No. Dawn is and always will be a friend, I'm just trying to see how her curse works if it is indeed the same as her father's." Merlin sighed in relief and handed Jack the book, "alright. But don't go trying things you shouldn't." "I hope you happen to find that Dawn is a great friend...stop being so one-minded!" Jack left Merlin's room and went back into his room to read the entire book.

A few hours into the night Jack yawned, knowing he was tired. When he opened his bedroom window to let a cool breeze in, he heard Dawn's voice singing calmly. As he listen he knew the song was about her father and mother as he looked down at the book he had in his hand. "La Belle et la Bête...The beauty and the beast..." He listened to the lyrics and fell asleep to her voice.

The daybreak woke Jack up, either that or the pig that was now trotting all over his stomach. "Agh- Spot! Get off of me!!" The pig laid down softly on top of Jack and he breathed out in pain. "Spot? Spot!" Jack heard Dawn's voice outside of his window and he chuckled, "He's in here!!" When Dawn looked into his window she laughed, "Spot! Get off of Jack and come here, we're leaving..."

Jack, hearing this, got up with the pig in hand, and opposed that idea. "What do you mean you're leaving? You can't leave!" Dawn picked up Spot from Jack's arms and shook her head, "I'm sorry Jack...but I have to get going...I can't stay here forever." Jack hopped out of his window and grabbed Dawn's cloak. She turned around, unknowing that her beast form was active and she glared at him, causing him to step back and trip over a rock. "You're all the same..." Dawn turned from Jack and walked away from the 7's house, leaving Jack on the ground in his human form, in shock.

Dawn and Spot kept on walking, not knowing what their journey would lead them to. A nice-looking creek with a big rock was in front of them, the two sat down near it to rest. Spot saw Dawn and then her bag, waddling over and sticking his nose in her bag. "Spot- What are you doing?" She leaned over and opened her bag, wondering what her pig was sniffing at. "Oh..." She pulled out a rose and a small box, inside was a big jewel on a ring. "I guess Jack left these in my bag by accident last night..."

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