A Bittersweet Reunion

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Red Shoes (Snow White) POV

As I went up to Jack he looked up at me and then back at the path. "Are you okay?" He nodded slowly and calmly, I knew something was wrong, "Are you sure? You look to be waiting for something..." He looked back at me and sighed, "I admit, I've been staying out here for the past few months waiting for someone to return, but they haven't..." I sat down on the ground next to him and smiled, "tell me more about them, if it's okay with you that is!" Jack smiled bittersweetly and looked away from me, "she was my friend...I've known her since we were twelve but...her father then forbid her from seeing me and the last time we ever spoke was when she left me again about eight months ago... Ever since I have been searching and waiting for her to return..."

I looked down with sympathy filling my face I knew he was hurting. They have been so kind to me but...was it just because of the shoes? "Was she beautiful?" Jack looked at me, "I- I'm Sorry- Did I overstep a boundary?" Jack looked down with guilt and then back up at me. "You didn't overstep any line, Red Shoes... It's just I did stand up for her when the others made fun of her and even were rude to her because of her curse...but it led to her leaving me again..." I put a hand on his head and smiled softly at him, "Then you're a good person deep down for helping her..."

Jack's POV

Was Red Shoes right? Was I really a good person for helping Dawn, even if she did leave me because of the others? I didn't feel like a good person. I had a feeling inside of my stomach that could only be described as cold and empty with a slight hint of defeat. "I doubt I really am a good person... She told me that all we ever cared about were looks... Which is kind of true... It's how we all look like short green goblins now-" Red Shoes laughed and brushed her hair behind her ear, "Honestly Jack, you all are so very kind... If only I had a way to repay you all for helping me find my father..." I immediately stood up and grinned, "when we find your father, you can help me find my friend!" She smiled at me and made my heart flutter a bit, "Alright, Jack. I'll help you find your friend then!"

Dawn's POV

It was the next day and I was walking through town with Rowan and Annabella when I saw two big men walking around and asking people about a woman. I couldn't help but be curious and ask them about who they were looking for and why. "Excuse me...what might you be doing?" "We are uhh... Looking for this woman!" They held up an image of a lady and then explained how she is wanted for stealing someone's shoes. "Oh... If I see her I will definitely tell you about her..." I wasn't. The guys nodded and then went off to continue their search. 

Rowan looked over at me and smiled, he really did remind me of Jack but I couldn't care less. In fact, Jack was rarely on my mind anymore...which is kind of harsh out loud but from my point of view, it was understandable. He and his friends were scared of me because of my curse and even if he did talk to me in the barn he still wouldn't let me see him in his new form. His actions led him to be cursed and it wasn't my fault. Yet... thinking about him makes me so happy that I don't understand why...

"Hey Dawn, Spot found something!" I turned around and my face contorted into one of aversion. It was Arthur. Though he looked sad about something. "Have you seen this man...?" Annabella and Rowan both shook their heads and when he looked at me he asked again. "Oh... Sorry... no." He was about to turn away in defeat but he looked back at me, "do I know you? You seem familiar..." I didn't have my hood up like I used to so I guess he didn't recognize me... "Uhm..no, not at all, sorry!" Arthur nodded and then smirked, his expression sure changed fast. "You are very beautiful miss." I just ignored him and looked back at Rowan. "We should be heading back... I feel a bit jittery." Rowan immediately knew what I meant since I told him about my curse and that was our code word, 'Jittery'.

"Come on then." Arthur stopped us and looked at Rowan, "you're Jack's brother, aren't you? We've met before-! It's me, Arthur!" Rowan looked at me and I sighed with a face of concern. "Uhm, yes, I am... Arthur... You look very different I must say..." Arthur flexed and then looked back at Rowan, "well yes... We've been cursed though... We have to kiss the most beautiful woman in the world, and I happen to be helping her right now!" He looked at me and smiled, "But you, of course, would be my next pick, if Rowan here wasn't already yours." Rowan backed up and shook his head, "Me and Miss Dawn here are in no relationship. We just happened to meet and have somewhat of a common issue."

"Dawn..?" Arthur's face dropped when he realized it was me. "Oh my god! Jack's been looking everywhere for you and- you're not a horribly ugly beast- Does that mean you broke your curse?" I sighed and shook my head, "I didn't. I only have four months left but at this point, I would rather die than be harassed by you all again!" Arthur scratched the back of his head and sighed, "sorry...about everything we did..." I crossed my arms and glared at him, "really? Then why do you still find me being a beast or not so important?" Rowan put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with calm, sincere eyes, I unfolded my arms and breathed calmly.

Arthur's POV

There she was, right in front of me, the key to stop Jack from moping around like a dumb idiot. He even stopped going to bed on time, and his eyes have gotten worse- Not to mention how he also stopped using his face masks and creams... "Dawn, please, I really am sorry! But you need to come back with me and Red Shoes- Jack doesn't want you to die alone." "I won't die alone. Rowan already said he would take me to my parents and I can live out the rest of my days with them..." She looked so sad and helpless that I did the next best thing and grabbed her hand, running with her to where I last saw Red Shoes. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen...

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