Happy Birthday

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Dawn POV

I looked at my husband and shook my head, "you approved for him to take sword lessons?!" Jack tensed up and scratched the back of his head before looking at me, "I'm sorry... I didn't think you would be so mad about it..." I smiled and shook my head softly before placing my hand on Jack's shoulder, "Oh Jack... I'm not mad, just a little disappointed that I didn't know...I would have really liked to see him train too..." He sighed and then smiled, "alright...he does have a tournament coming up in about a week, you can come to see him perform there!" I nodded and then kissed his cheek gently before turning back to the other women, "Red. I heard that Luna has been experiencing some...difficulties." Red laughed nervously and pulled her hood up, "sadly, she has the same curse as me...but it isn't as bad..." I nodded and sipped my tea, listening carefully.

Hugo POV

I was sparring with Neil and Ivy as Phillip watched. "You guys really should be careful, honestly. My father said that nothing comes well out of sparring inside!" Phillip yelled in his father's German accent, but I didn't care. I laughed and then pointed Excalibur at Ivy, "Listen up, you have yet to witness the great swordsmanship of The Hugo!" Ivy cackled and then dropped her sword, "I can't take you seriously because of your French accent-! Which parent gave it to you, mother? Father? Or perhaps both in your case!!" I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "at least I don't sound like a regular and therefore, BoRiNg person!" Just then the door to where we were opened and Luna came in with Oliver and Rose.

"Oliver, brother, there you are! And you brought Rosey Posey!" I heard Neil snicker, "Rosey Posey? That's such a childish name!" I turned and glared at him, "That just so happens to be my sister, so back off." Rose ran up to me and squeezed my leg, "yes, hello Rose...I missed you too..." "Hugo, why are they laughing at you?" "It's nothing for you to be worried about..." I said to her and then saw Oliver step up to Neil, wow. "Neil, as much as we all love you, sometimes you can act like a real PRAT!" Neil continued to laugh, much to my brother's annoyance. 

Ivy just shook her head in disappointment at her brother before slapping the back of his head, "quit being stupid." I laughed and just shook my head, "I am the eldest out of all of us, and you all should know that, well...that kind of makes me the leader of you all" "not really since we're twins and mom said I was born before you." Phillip chuckled and nodded, agreeing with Oliver, "he is right, being older than you by 2 minutes still makes him the eldest, PFT-" Phillip started laughing as my face got more unimpressed. "Whatever, I'm still the strongest out of you all." Luna rolled her eyes, "debatable." Oliver chuckled, "Come on Rose, you seem fidgety.." Rose looked up at Oliver and ran from me, I felt a little hurt because of this...

"Oliver, can I spend some time with Rose? You just seem to be with her every day..." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at my brother. "Hugo, you rarely make an effort to even see her of a day..." I shook my head and sighed, "I know, it's because I am so busy with my training...but I mean- can I join you two?" Rose nodded and smiled, "Yeah, you can join us!" I saw Oliver roll his eyes as he waved for me to follow them. Neil grabbed my shoulder and smiled, "Can I come?" I pushed his hand off of me with force, "no."


"Come on Neil, you do realize that you have been a really big jerk to them, right?" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, "Right. I know I have but that's just the way they perceive what I do. I prank them and pull jokes because I want to lighten the mood and everything, but nope, guess that's not an option." I shook my head, "there's a time and place." I saw him nod a little. Luna sat down and crossed her arms, "I hate being one of the only younger ones..." I left my brother alone and walked over to Luna, "Luna, you aren't the youngest, Rose is...she is like- 12!" Luna sighed and I smiled at her, "don't worry about your full-moon form...you can control it, unlike your mother at points.." Luna smiled slightly and then stood up to hug me.

Dawn POV

I looked around and realize none of the kids were in the party area, "Jack, where are the kids?" Jack looked around and shook his head, "I don't know...I saw them here earlier-" I saw Oliver, Hugo, and Rose walk in and Arthur immediately ran up to them, "Hugo, Oliver, where's Luna?!" Oliver said something to him and I saw Arthur runoff, "whoa." Jack noticed and sighed, "They always do that..." Aurora then stood up and yawned, "Phillip never tries to get involved with Hans does and seems so distant..." Jack then added, "our children are...growing up, that's all, but it doesn't mean we can't have more- right?" I hit his arm and glared at him, "you know how bad having Rose was, I'm not going through that again!" He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "I know Mon Amour... but one more wouldn't really hurt, right?" Aurora giggled and sighed, "honestly, I want another one...Phillip was so cute when he was a child..." Red nodded and laughed, "you should have seen Arthur when Luna was small, he thought he was going to break her!"

Pino, Noki, and Kio came and sat next to all of us, "Children have never crossed our minds...right" Pino asked his brothers and Kio sighed, "I kind of thought about having one...or three-" Noki nodded and sighed, "shame that we never found someone to break our curses...all we did was apologize to the fairy princess and mentioned how you were our friend, Dawn..." I sighed and shook my head, "I knew you all never found someone to kiss...all you guys think about is inventing something!" Pino scratched the back of his head, "I do want a kid..." Noki agreed, "but two would be nice...." I sighed, "then go and find someone to have them with, You guys are already 27, you were the youngest out of the fearless 7 and now women are lining up for you three specifically! So, get out there and find someone!" Jack held me back and laughed, "okay, calm down, Dawn!" I smiled and then shook my head, "you three are hopeless..." Hans then turned to the triplets and said, "honestly, she's right, you guys are blind to the people around you-!"

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