Prince Average

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Jack POV

"-is it, dwarves- with a V or Dwarfs- with an F, I want to use whichever is more offensive." I heard the sleaze say as he grinned. "There is a very beautiful girl in there who is a wanted criminal." What? Was Red Shoes a criminal? I saw Arthur pull out a wanted poster with her face on it and I almost died right then and there. "No, of course not! I'm not a criminal!" Everyone seemed to have huffed a sigh of relief and then I looked over at Dawn, could We all could hear Prince Average counting and then Red Shoes did the unthinkable and stepped out by herself. 

"Am I the person you want?" That was all I heard before I saw Merlin and Arthur run out of our house, Hans following close behind. All I did was stand there and stare out like some sort of idiot.

Rowan POV

I watched as my brother, one of the most fearless princes in all of the lands, stand there, like a stick in the mud puddle outside. Then I saw his gaze move, it shifted over towards the couch and when I turned to look, no one was there. It could have been worse, was what I thought before realizing that I placed Dawn on that same couch not too long ago. "Uh oh." I audibly said as Jack rushed around the house, apparently searching for her.

"Dawn? Dawn?" Her name echoed throughout the house and then we both saw it. The giant shadow in the corner of the kitchen. "Dawn..?" Jack's voice was afraid, he didn't know what happened to her but I had an idea. "It's the curse- She's becoming more beast by the day, I've been with her for around two days and I could already tell she was in pain..." Jack looked up at me and at that moment Annabella came in, she was oblivious to the fact that Dawn was no longer in control of her instincts and ran up to her. Jack and I both ran up to grab Annabella when it happened, we saw her shadow grow bigger and then, nothing.

Dawn POV

I didn't know how long I was out until I woke up. When I looked around I was back in the same house that I have grown to hate. "What happened?" It was all I could manage to say when I saw the door to the room open. A sweet smell of bread and icing filled the room which made my stomach growl. "You passed out and did some things..." A familiar german accent hit my ears and I sat up, " that for me?" I pointed to the breakfast donuts and everything in his hand and he nodded, "I usually made this every day when you were out in case you ever did wake up, so here you go!" He seemed a little shaken up and distant.

"How long was I out..?" "About a week. But I doubt Jack will wake up anytime soon..." I stopped mid-way through the bite I was about to take and looked at the gingered dwarf. "What..?" He looked as if he shouldn't have mentioned Jack, "Nothing- I'll leave you to your breakfast..." I got up immediately, bad idea, my legs hurt so badly and yet I didn't care. Hans grabbed my dress but I was already out of the bedroom door when I turned and looked around. I saw the three triplets laying down on the couch, each of them popping their heads up to see me, now fully awake. "Dawn?" "Are you really awake?" "Of course she is, she's right there!"

Hans came out after me and grabbed my arm, "stop! Please!" I yanked my arm from him and turned to Jack's room, grabbing the doorknob and opening it carefully. Pino, Noki, and Kio all got up and rushed over, I heard their creepy little feet tapping the floor. "Jack..?" I peeked inside his room and there he was, on his bed, unconscious. Rowan was holding Annabella and he looked at me, saddened and pained. "Dawn... You need to leave." I tilted my head and Annabella reached out for me.

Instead of holding her as she wanted, however, Rowan just pulled her away from me and sat down in a chair, motioning for me to join him. When I sat down, he explained everything.

Rowan POV (a week ago) TW: blood

I got up after the large shadow flashed all three of us and I looked around, Dawn was back human. I was so relieved since Annabella was in my hands. "Jack... She's fine now, you can get up." I didn't hear him speak, all I saw was the blood around his motionless body. I frantically looked around the kitchen cabinets to find some napkins or even some bandages. When I did, I took a look at his wounds...claw marks. Dawn had slashed open Jack's stomach and he was bleeding out. His green skin was all that I could see before I wrapped him up. Annabella was frightened and yet didn't care if it was Dawn who did it because she held Dawn like a sister.

Dawn POV

"Did I really...?" Rowan nodded as I felt my face tense up at the thought. "I..." When I looked over at Jack, a sharp pain hit my neck, causing me to jolt back in surprise. "Are you okay?" I felt Rowan's hand touch my shoulder and I looked back at him with a pained expression. "Yeah... My neck just hurts, that's all..." Annabella walked over to me with a book and laid it on my lap, I looked down at it and was surprised. 'Beauty and The Beast'. "Can you read this to me?" Her sweet little voice piped up and I smiled at her, "yeah, of course!" I slowly opened the book and began to read it to both her and Rowan. Reading the story that my mother wrote for the first time was really refreshing... It even explained what kind of curse I have on myself.

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