L'Manburg, Sweet L'Manburg. (1)

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BACKGROUND INFORMATION - Y/N was forced to run away from home when she was only 11. She was wandering around in the forest alone, when she ran into a tall man with brown fluffy hair. Wilbur. He took her back to L'Manburg, and let her live with him and his friends. They quickly adopted her as their own, and have seen each other as family ever since. She calls Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Technoblade her brothers. It's been 8 years since Wilbur found her wandering. She's now 19. She's heard about Dream, Sapnap, and George- from her brothers, but has never met them in person. Wilbur planned to keep it that way. She was L'Manburgs strongest fighter. Wilbur wanted her to be their secret weapon in case war ever broke out.


"Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP!" Yelled a British voice. "Tommy I swear to god— if you don't shut the F*CK UP." I retorted, getting out of bed.

I walked to my front door, and opened it to see my youngest brother, Tommy. "What do you want, Tom? I was SLEEPING." I said, annoyed that he had awoken me from my peaceful slumber.

"Come with me and Tubbo!" I sighed, knowing I had no choice, but to go with him. "Let me get dressed." I said, slamming the door in his face. I put on my outfit for the day, and walked outside, to be greeted by Tommy and Tubbo.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Said Tubbo, cheerfully. "Morning, Tubbs." I replied, smiling. "What the f*ck?! Why does Tubbo get a cheerful hello, and I get a f*cking threat?!" I glared at him.

"Because YOU woke me up. Tubbo didn't." Tommy groaned, and started to walk away, before stopping and turning around. "You coming or not?" He said, impatiently, to Tubbo and I.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Boss man wants us. Said it's important." I nodded. "Alright. Let's go, then." I said as we walked to Wilbur's house.

When we arrived, he was standing outside, seemingly waiting for us. "Morning lady and gentlemen. We have a.. slight- predicament on our hands." We looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

"Dream-" Tommy cut him off. "WHAT DID THAT GREEN BASTARD DO?!" I elbowed Tommy, signaling for him to shut up.

"Anyways- Dream isn't too happy with us right now.. he's still pressed about the whole 'being our own country on his land' thing. He wants to meet with us tonight, and I want you two to be there." He said, looking at Tommy and Tubbo.

"What about me? I wanna come." Wilbur sighed. "Y/N we've discussed this many times before. Dream can't know you're here." I groaned.

"Oh come on, Wil! Please!" Wilbur shook his head. "No means no, Y/N. We can't risk it."

Now, I'm not one to go against the rules or anything- (That's a lie, I totally am.), but there was NO way I'd be missing out on this. But of course- I couldn't let Wilbur know that.

I huffed, and walked back towards my house. I spent the day thinking about how I'd go to the meeting, without Wilbur getting mad at me. After several hours of thinking, I heard muffled voices in the distance.

It's time!

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