Picnics (6)

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Upon entering, I was met with an overly annoyed glare from George. "She's back?!" He yelled, turning to face the masked man beside me.

"Yes, so deal with it." Said Dream, clearly still angry about my escape attempt. "I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed." I said, starting to walk towards my room.

Before I could get more than two steps away, a hand tightly gripped my arm. "Nu-uh. I don't trust you not to escape again." I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Where do you expect me to sleep, then?" I asked, frustrated. "You're staying in my room. Let's go." Dream said, coldly. I gave him a disgusted look, as he dragged me into his bedroom.

Dream layed down, before moving the blankets so there was an empty space next to him. "You actually expect me to sleep in the same bed as you! Oh, hell no!" I half-yelled.

"I'm literally laying on the very edge of the bed. Get over it." I rolled my eyes, and huffed angrily, before getting into the bed, and scooting as far away from Dream as I could.


I awoke the next morning, with a heavy sensation on my chest. I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Dream, with his head on my chest, and his arm draped around me.

I immediately jumped, and pushed him off of me, quickly getting up, and standing beside the bed. Dream jumped as well, surprised by the sudden awakening.

"What the hell where you doing?!" I yelled. "I had to make sure you couldn't run away, somehow." He said, calmly. "Ew! What the f*ck!" I said, walking out of his room, and into the kitchen.

I walked into the room, to see Nick making breakfast. "Good—" — "I'm sleeping in your room tonight." I said, cutting him off. "Why..?" He asked, confused.

"Because 'Mr. Kidnapper' can't keep his f*cking hands to himself!" I yelled. "I- geez, okay. Calm down, you can stay in my room." He said, laughing. "Nick, it's not funny!!" I whined, annoyed. Just then, Dream walked in.

"Yeah Nick, it's not funny." He said, mocking me. "It's Sapnap to you, dumbass." Nick said, sternly. "Yeah yeah." Replied Dream, rolling his eyes.

"Both of you shut up!" I said, tired of them bickering. "Aww~ Are you in a bad mood, princess?" Said Dream, in what might just be the most annoying tone I've ever heard.

He stepped closer to me, placing a hand on my cheek. "Get the f*ck off of me, you psycho!" I said, slapping him— or rather, his mask.

He stumbled back in surprise from the force of my hit. He stood upright, and chuckled. "Ugh!" I complained, storming into Clay's room to get ready.

2 Months Later
Dream's POV

"Literally just tell her you like her." Sapnap said, sounding somewhat annoyed. "Wha- I- Huh?! I don't like her!" I yelled, sputtering out whatever words I could form.

"Clay, it's OBVIOUS that you like Y/N. Man up, and tell her!" I looked at him in disbelief. "I DON'T like her!" I yelled, frustrated.

"Alright then.. I guess I'll just go ask her out, since you don't like her!" Sapnap said, spinning around on his heel. "STOP! Don't you f*cking dare, Sapnap! I'm dead serious!" I said, enraged, earning a smirk from Sapnap.

"I— Maybe I like her a little.." Sapnap cackled. "Dude! You're f*cking in love with her!" He said, trying to catch his breath. I rolled my eyes.

"What do I do, Sapnap?! She hates my guts! She's never going to like me!" Sapnap smiled, softly, and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Dude, I know her. Just.. be nice to her.. and her family." I nodded. Wait- "But— L'Manburg! How am I supposed to be nice to her family, while plotting a war against them?!"

Sapnap sighed. "Dream, I know how much you hate them.. but if you really like Y/N.. You can overlook those mistakes.. for her." I stared at my feet, lost in thought.

Give up my land? After all of this?! No way! But- on the other hand.. it's the only way I could get Y/N to like me! Ugh..

"I- I'll think about it.." Sapnap smiled. "Atta boy! Now go get her." I nodded, and walked over to my bedroom door.

I knocked quietly. "Y/N? Can I come in?" — "One second!" I heard shuffling, before the doors lock clicked, and the door swung open. "What?" She said, annoyed with my presence.


I opened the door, only to be met with the person I wanted to see least right now. "What?" I said, hoping he would just grab something and then leave.

"Uhm.." He scratched the back of his neck. "Would you maybe want to.. go on a picnic with me?" He said, smiling nervously.

I gave him a confused look. "What's the catch..?" I asked, cautiously. "No catch! I just.. want to hang out.." I nodded slowly. "Okay..? What time..?" I asked.

"Noon?" I hummed in approval. "I guess I'll start getting ready then.. since it's already almost 10:30.." I said, grabbing my clothes, before walking into the guest room to change.


After getting ready, I walked out into the living room, to be bet with Dream standing at the door. "You ready?" He said, smiling. I nodded, still unsure of how to feel about this.

We went outside, and Dream grabbed my hand, leading me to the spot he picked out. When we got there, I was astonished.

A beautiful field blooming with F/F (Favorite flower). I smiled, as the gentle breeze caused the flowers to sway gently.

Dream smiled, and led me over to little picnic blanket set up underneath a tree. He sat down, and patted the seat next to him, opening the picnic basket in front of him.

I sat down beside Dream, grabbing some fruit from the basket. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, before Dream spoke up.

"Uhm.. Y/N..?" He said, nervously. "Hm?" — "Can I- tell you something..?" I nodded, confused. "Y/N I- I really like you! I know it sounds so stupid, but I really do. I fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?.." My eyes widened.

"Dream- I-"

"Call me Clay."

"Okay.. Clay- I.."

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