Y/NWasTaken (3)

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A/N - I think I'm so clever for that title 💀

⚠️SLIGHT TW⚠️ : K!dnapping. Read at your own risk.

Just as I neared the corner, someone grabbed me from behind.


I tried to scream, but was quickly met with a hand covering my mouth. I looked up, to see none other than the green man himself.

I looked at him confused, before he pulled out an axe, and held it towards my throat. "One wrong move, and I'll slice your head off. You're coming with me." He whispered.

I agreed, for the sake of my life. I didn't have any weapons on me, since I had been trying to sleep.

"Sorry, my love, but I have to do this." I looked at him confused, before he hit me over the head with the blunt end of his axe, knocking me out.


I awoke the next morning in an unfamiliar setting. I sat up quickly, only to be met with a pounding sensation in my head. I groaned, and put my hand in my forehead, leaning against the wall for support.

Once my migraine had calmed down a bit, I began looking around the room I was in. I didn't recognize it at all.

Then I remembered the events from last night. "F*cking hell.." I said, under my breath. As if on cue, in walked Mr. Green Boy, holding a plate. "Here, uhh.. I got you some
breakfast-" He said, setting the plate down on the nightstand next to me.

"Oh and- Don't even think about escaping. Or else— well, you know what'll happen." He said, smirking. He turned around, and left the room, locking the iron door behind him.

I sighed, knowing there was no way out of this place. I knew I'd be there for a long time.. might as well make it enjoyable.

I ate the food that Dream had given me, before laying back down, and staring at the ceiling. I layed there for what felt like hours, before hearing the door unlock.

"I've got some questions that I'd like you to answer for me." Dream said, as he walked in, and sat on the bed next to me. "Okay..?" I said, confused.

"First off.. Why have I never seen you around before?" He asked. "Wilbur didn't want me to meet you.. I don't know why, though. Guess he just didn't want to cause anything like.. this.." I replied.

"Alright, next question.. what's your relationship with Wilbur?" He asked, with an unreadable tone. "Siblings.. I- was adopted.." I said, trying to figure out why he needed to know these things.

"Okay.. Last question. How did you end up in L'Manburg..?" He asked. I immediately tensed up. Dream must've noticed, since he began to spit out apologizes.

"Oh- Uh- Sorry if that is a um- personal topic.." He said, trying to find the right words. "It's fine.. I'd just— rather not talk about it..." I said, trying not to think about my childhood.

"Yeah.. that's fine.. Um.. thanks for answering the other questions, though." He said. He sounded genuine. This was a surprise to me.. This behavior was completely different from what he had shown in L'Manburg yesterday.

I nodded at what he said. "I have a question now.." Dream looked up. "And that is?" He said, sounding curious. "Why do you wear a mask?" I asked.

It was his turn to tense up. "You don't have to share if it makes you uncomfortable—" I said, quickly. "No, No, it's alright." He said. "Lots of um... scars-.. from when I was younger.. and it makes me look more intimidating." He said.

I chuckled at the last part. "Why are you being so friendly all of the sudden?" I asked. "Well.. I dunno, I just don't have anything against you. I do feel bad for kidnapping you, but I needed to do something to really get under Wilbur's skin. I could tell you mean a lot to him by the way he was acting during our meeting yesterday. I figured this was the best way to get to him. Sorry you had to be involved in this.." He explained.

"It's alright.. Just.. Promise me you won't hurt them, or L'Manburg.. At least not if they don't do something first." I said, remembering hearing Wilbur talk about how he was surprised that Dream hasn't attacked us yet.

Dream looked up at me. "As long as you stay here.. I promise, Y/N." He said, smiling. "Now.. Would you like to meet your other two roommates?" I nodded. "Follow me!" He said, walking out the door of "my" bedroom.

We walked down a hallway, and into the living room. There, a boy with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt, was sat on the couch. He looked up once he heard us walk in.

"Oh— Shes awake." He said, sounding somewhat unamused. "Yeah.. Y/N, this is George, George, This is Y/N." You gave him a friendly smile, only to be met with a scowl.

"Uhh- anyways.. Where's Sapnap?" Dream asked George. George only shrugged, and went back to staring at his phone. Just then, a boy with Black hair, wearing a white bandanna, walked in.


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