The Green Man (2)

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It was time.

⚠️SLIGHT TW⚠️ : Sword fighting.

I quickly left my brick house, and began jogging towards the L'Manburg walls. Once I got close enough to clearly hear what was being said, I hid behind a tree and waited.

"Dream, for the last time— We aren't giving up L'Manburg. This is our home." Wilbur stated. "Well your "home" is built on my land. Therefore, it isn't yours." Said Dream.

"LISTEN HERE YOU GREEN SON OF A BITCH. YOU WILL GIVE US OUR LAND, WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. YOU HEAR ME?!" Screamed none other than Tommyinnit. I deadpanned at this. Of course he was going to scream.

From what I could tell, Wilbur pushed Tommy behind him, as a way of telling him not to speak any more. "Thank you- Tommy. I think you've done quite enough! Anyways. Dream. You're not getting our land back. We deserve our independence! You know it. We all do."

- - -

After a little while of listening, my allergies began acting up. I accidentally sneezed. Everyone got quiet for a few seconds, before Wilbur cursed under his breath.

"Get your ass over here, right now." He said, sternly. "NOW." I sheepishly stepped out from my hiding place, and walked over to where Wilbur was standing.

On either side of him were Tommy and Tubbo. Standing across from him was a tall, masked man, with dirty blonde- almost brown hair.

"Oh~ And who might this be, Mr. 'President?' A member of L'Manburg that I wasn't aware of?" Wilbur glared at Dream.

"F*ck off, Dream. It isn't any of your business." Dream may have been wearing a mask, but just his aura was scary enough to send a shiver down my spine. "Oh, but it is my business. She's on my land." - He turned to look at me.

"Your name, beautiful?" I looked at him in utter disgust. "One, the names Y/N.. and two- dont f*cking call me that, you creep." I said, annoyed.

Dream laughed. "Feisty, are we?" He said, clearly amused. I rolled my eyes, and looked at Wilbur. "I can see why you don't like this guy." Wilbur chuckled, but quickly regained his composure and resumed glaring at me.

"And this is why I told you not to come. Y/N, please go back to your house." I gave him an annoyed look. "Wilbur, I'm staying. This is my land, too!" He sighed, but ultimately agreed.

I thought that we'd just be discussing terms.. but boy, was I wrong. Just as I began calming down a bit, dream whipped out his sword. An enchanted, netherite sword. Great.

He stepped towards me. "Y/N.. I'd like to test your skills. See what these imbeciles have been teaching you." He said calmly. "Dream, get the f*ck away from her." Wilbur said, impatiently. I rolled my eyes, and spoke.

"I'm not a child. I can fend for myself. And just fyi.. they haven't taught me anything. It's all me."

I drew my enchanted diamond sword, and swung it at Dream, barely missing his shoulder. We went back and fourth for a while, before his sword nicked my wrist.

I winced, as blood began dripping from my forearm, but regained my composure, and took a swing at his legs. I managed to get a pretty decent hit on his thigh. His leg immediately went limp, causing him to fall.

I walked over to him, putting a foot on his stomach. "Not so strong are we, green boy?" I said, smirking. He stared up at me through his mask, before grabbing me by the ankles, making me fall, and rolling over so that he was pinning me to the ground.

"I don't lose." He said, in a monotone voice. He stood up, and held both of my wrists behind me, as he pulled my back against him. He leaned down slightly and whispered something in my ear.

"You're stronger than I thought. Damn.. Strong AND pretty? You're just the total package,
Y/N.. You should come stay with me and my friends. We're way better than these low-life's." He said, teasingly.

I wiggled one of my arms free, and elbowed him in the gut. "Ew, and no." I said, walking towards my brothers. "L'Manburg's my home. Nothing can change that. Deal with it." I stated, causing Dream to roll his eyes.

"You're missing out~" He said, walking away- back towards his lands. Once he was gone, Wilbur immediately went off on me.


"Wil, calm down.. she was curious. You know you would've done the same thing if you were in her shoes. Show her some mercy. She did technically beat Dream!" Wilbur huffed, and stormed back to his house.

I looked at Tommy and Tubbo, to see them giving me looks of sincerity. I half smiled, and began walking towards my own house.

I got home, changed into my pajamas, cleaned my wounds, did my nightly routine, and got into bed. By this time it was pitch black outside, and everyone in L'Manburg had gone to sleep.

I layed in bed, staring at the ceiling. Why couldn't I fall asleep? Sure my mind was racing, but that's never stopped me from sleeping before. Then it hit me. I felt like someone was watching me.

I quietly got out of bed, and went outside. I walked towards the back of my house, where my window was. Just as I neared the corner, someone grabbed me from behind.

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