Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets (5)

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I don't know what it was, but something about the look he gave me made me get up, and follow him into his room.

There was a great chance that it could've been the worst decision of my life, but only time would tell.

"What?" He said, harshly, spinning on his heel to face me. "I— I.. don't know.." I said. And that was the truth, I didn't know.

I didn't know what it was that caused me to follow him, and quite honestly, I may never know.

"Why—" He stopped. He looked as though he regretted the unspoken words, but there was something fighting him.

Something that was keeping him from letting them out. I stepped closer. I felt as though I had no control over my body.

"Why what?" I said, softly. "Leave." He said, barely audible. "But-" He cut me off. "LEAVE." He screamed, startling me. I nodded, exiting his room.

I don't know why, but for whatever reason, his harsh words hurt me. I don't trust him. Hell, I don't even know him! He means nothing to me. But there was something in my chest.. or rather.. something missing in my chest.

Some sort of void, that for whatever reason, only he could fill. I've only just met this guy, so why the hell am I longing for the unfinished conversation.

The unspoken words were gnawing at me, leaving me hungry for something no amount of food could satisfy. Completion. He completes me, but why? He's the enemy!

I don't know this man, so why do his personal emotions take such a toll on me? I couldn't just leave. This conversation was not over. I turned around, and walked right back into Dream's room.

I walked right up to him, and stood directly in front of him, making dead eye contact with the man. I was angry. But why? I had no reason to be angry with him. Or did I? Even I wasn't sure.

"Why what? What were you going to say? Tell me!" Dream looked surprised by my sudden outburst. He contemplated for a moment, before sighing.

"It isn't the time, Y/N." I was confused, and hurt, and angry, but why? I had no right to be feeling these emotions, but in the moment I just couldn't help it!

"Then when is the time?!" I yelled. "I- I don't know, Y/N. Now, please.. leave." I grumbled under my breath, before storming back into my room, and slamming the door behind me.

It was nighttime now. I knew there was absolutely no chance of me getting any sleep. That's when it began to rain. I had always loved the sounds of rain softly falling, gently hitting the glass window of a room.

I sat for a moment, before getting up, and walking to the window. I quietly unlocked, and slid open the window. I climbed out, and went up onto the roof. I had been sitting on the roof for around an hour, when I heard voices in the distance.

I turned my head towards the sound, to see Tommy and Tubbo. My eyes widened. What the hell were they doing? The second they saw me, their eyes lit up.

I climbed down from the roof, before running over to the two younger boys. "Y/N!" They yelled, engulfing me in a tight embrace. I laughed, before quickly telling them to be quiet.

"What the f*ck are you doing here, are you two insane?!" I whisper-yelled. "We came to save you!" Said Tubbo, giddily. I smiled, softly at the boys.

"Let's go, then! You can come home, Y/N!" Home. Something that felt so close, but yet so far. I thought for a moment. I couldn't possibly be considering staying.

L'Manburg is my home! It always will be! I had to return! I pushed my thoughts aside, and ran back to L'Manburg with my younger brothers.

As we approached the walls of my nation, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something wasn't right. I didn't feel at home. This place that had provided me everything I ever needed didn't feel like home.

The place that hosted my family. The closest thing to family I had, at least, just didn't feel like home.

I once again, pushed my feelings away, and entered L'Manburg. The second I was within the walls I was swallowed by two arms, wrapping me in a welcoming hug.

"Y/N. I'm so glad you're back!" Said Wilbur. I smiled, happy to finally be with my brothers again.

(Also- I failed to mention this earlier, but while Techno is one of the siblings, he most likely won't be featured in this specific story,, I don't know a whole lot about him at the moment, and would hate for him not to get the respect he deserves! carry on!)

After a while of catching up with the three boys, I went to my house to sleep, as I was exhausted.

A while after falling asleep, I was awoken by an abrupt screaming sound. Tubbo. I jumped out of bed, and ran to where the sound was coming from.

To no surprise, there was Dream, holding a sword to Tubbo's throat. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He screamed, into poor Tubbo's ear. "Looking for someone?" I said, crossing my arms, and raising an eyebrow.

Dream immediately let go of Tubbo, and ran over to where I was standing. "Y/N! What the f*ck are you doing here?!" He yelled. "More like- what are you doing here-" I said, calmly. "We had a deal, Y/N. As long as you stay with me, I don't hurt your country, or your family."

I'm not dumb, I know what Dream is capable of. I sighed in defeat. "Fine, whatever." I said, annoyed.

"Y/N, no!" Yelled Tubbo, worriedly. "It's fine, Tub. Don't worry about me." I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

I gave him one last nod, before walking back to Dream's house.

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