Clay (10)

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⚠️SLIGHT TW⚠️ : Arguing and mentions of w@r. Read at your own risk.


Upon entering, I was met with two arms wrapping around me in a tight manor. "Y/N! Oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay! I thought you ran away!" I ever so gently pushed Clay off of me. He looked at me as if he had no memory of what had happened earlier.

"I appreciate your concerns, but I can handle myself." Clay nodded. "I mean- of course you can! I was just worried.. you know- after our.. fight.-" I shook my head. "It wouldn't have been a fight if you had listened to what I had to say."

"Y/N, you don't understand!-" I cut him off. "Clay, there is nothing to understand! You're not starting a war against them!" He looked me dead in the eyes. "I'm doing this for you, Y/N!" I shook my head. "Well I don't want this done, okay?! You're not hurting them! Got it?!"

It was Clay's turn to storm out of the house. Little did I know, he actually knew where he was going.

I sighed, and walked into Nick's room, gently knocking on the door. "Come in!" He yelled. I opened the door quietly, walking over to his bed, and sprawling out on it. He chuckled. "Yes?" He said, amused. I buried my face in the soft pillow, dramatically sighing.

"Is this about Dream?" Nick said, laying next to me. "Maybe.." I said. I heard Nick laughing. "Y/N, you're gonna need to turn around. I can't hear a word your saying like that. I flipped over so that I was laying on my back. "I said 'maybe'" I repeated.

"Is he actually going to start a war..?" I asked, nervously. Nick sighed. "He seemed pretty set on it.. and you know how he is. Once he has his mind set in something, it's near impossible to change it." He said, only making my nerves worse.

"But I made up with them! We're fine now!" I said. "Look, Y/N. That's awesome, but I'm gonna need to be honest with you, here. That's only part of why he's wanting to start a war. Honestly— It's only a tiny bit of the reason. He's still stuck on us and L'Manburgs other feud."

I shook my head. Nick isn't right. Clay said he was doing this all for me. He never mentioned the old fight. Besides, he promised me back when he first brought me here that he wouldn't hurt them for that! Yeah, I'm sure Nick's wrong.

"I'm taking a nap." I said, replacing my face in its proper spot buried in the pillow. Nick chuckled slightly. "Same bro." He said, sitting up before aggressively laying back down, crushing me. "Bitch!" I yelled out, trying to shove him off of me. "Nick! I swear to god, get off of me!" This only made him laugh harder. "Nope!"

I finally just relaxed and let him win. I fell asleep with Nick practically shattering my ribcage.


I awoke a few hours later, confused by the heavy feeling on my chest. I opened my eyes, to see Nick sprawled out across me. I chuckled at the way he was laying, before taking my phone out of my pocket to snap a picture.

After getting the perfect photo, (and posting it online, of course) I chucked Nick right off of the bed. "OW!— What the f*ck?!" He screamed, sitting up quickly.

I, on the other hand, was laughing hysterically. That was until— Nick grabbed my by the ankles, and dragged me into the floor with him. "F*ck you!" I yelled, annoyed. "Of course, love. What time?" He said, smirking. "NICK!!" I yelled, slapping his arm.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He said, wheezing. I shook my head, chucking, before getting up and going into the living room. I checked the time and noticed that it was 7pm. Weird.. Clay should've been back by now.

I decided to just let it go, and make myself some dinner. Right as I finished cooking, I heard the front door open. I turned around, and was met with a masked man.

"It's about time." I said. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. "I just mean that you were gone for a l— It doesn't matter. Here, I made dinner." I said, handing him a plate full of food. He sighed. "Thanks.." I nodded, making myself a plate.

"NICK! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" I screamed from the kitchen. "WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU WANT, BITCH?" He screamed back. "DINNERS READY, JACKASS." I yelled one final time. Within seconds, Nick was in the kitchen, eating.

"Where's George?" I asked, noticing that a plate left on the counter. "Out." Clay said, coldly. "Okay..?" I replied, confused.

I went over to the kitchen table and sat in between Clay and Nick. We sat there in awkward silence for quite a while, before Clay began speaking.

"We've got it all planned out, now.." He said, almost to himself. "Hm..?" I hummed, turning my head towards him.

"The war." He said with a blank expression. "Clay! I thought you weren't doing this!" I said, practically pleading. "Y/N, you know me better than that! Of course I'm doing it!" He said, as if that was magically going to make me not be angry.

"Clay, I'm not letting you do this! It's only going to make things worse! I am NOT losing my family AGAIN." Showing more emotion than I had originally intended to.

"Oh, Y/N.. You know better than to think that you of all people, could beat me." He said, nonchalantly.

"Clay, you know nothing about me. You have absolutely no right to tell me what I am or am not capable of, because truly, you don't even know." I said, spitting my words out angrily.

"Hm." He replied, calmly. I shook my head.

With a shaky sigh, I went up to my room to plan out how I could help L'Manburg.

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