Perfect (21)

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"Y/N! Why did you run off?!" Said a panting Clay.

Tommy stood up, but was pushed back by Wilbur, who approached Clay.



"I think it's best you leave, Dream." Said Wilbur. "I'm here to talk to my gir- friend, my friend.." Said Dream, stumbling through the last part.

"Well she doesn't want to talk to you." Wilbur said, keeping his face and tone emotionless.

"I don't think you have the right to speak for her.." Said Dream, stepping forward.

That's when Tommy got up, and walked over so that he was standing between Dream and Wilbur.

"Listen here, you bitch! You leave my sister alone, or we're going to have problems, alright?" He said, furiously.

"Last time I checked, you abandoned her." Dream said, leaning down a bit so he was at eye level with Tommy.

"That isn't yours to talk about." Said Tubbo, keeping his spot on the floor next to me. "And what's going on with me and Y/N isn't any of yours to talk about." Dream said, pushing past the other boys, and walking towards me.

"Y/N, we need to talk." He said, ignoring the angry yells from Wilbur and Tommy.

"I'd rather not.." I said, trying my best to sound calm.

"Y/N, please.." He said, unintentionally giving me puppy dog eyes.

"If she doesn't want to talk to you, then she doesn't have to. You brought this on yourself, Dream. Stop trying to play the victim." Said Wilbur, joining Tubbo and I on the floor.

"I know you aren't talking about playing the victim, Mr. 'Why're you fighting me even though I built on your land.'" Said Dream.

After this, Wilbur and Dream got into a heated argument, which Tommy and Tubbo joined in on every few minutes.

"Enough!" I said, standing up. "I'm so f*cking sick of all of this arguing! You've all done shit you shouldn't have, so stop blaming a singular person! Fights aren't one sided, you know!" I said, completely done with the childish banter.

"You never learn! When has you four arguing ever ended positively?!" I yelled.

"When I met you..." Said Dream.

I turned to face him, looking him dead in the eyes, before speaking. "You did not just say that.." I said, now beginning to let out the anger I wasn't even aware I had.

"You don't understand how f*cking hard I tried to be perfect for you! Do you even realize how much I've risked for you?! Even after a fight that you started, that almost caused my DEATH- I still ignored all the pain I was in just so I could come to your aid! When have you done that for me, huh?! And don't even think about bringing up one of your stupid f*cking 'promises!'" I ranted. I had needed to get this out for so long. I couldn't pass this up.

"Don't you understand, Y/N?! That's why I broke up with you! You're too f*cking good for me! You put everyone else before yourself, and I'm so scared that I won't be able to do that for you! You're selfless, and I'm selfish. I know I hurt you, but I also know that the longer you're with me the more you're going to get hurt! I wouldn't be able to live with myself, knowing that I'm hurting you.." Dream said, tears falling down his face.

I stared at him for a few moments, unable to form any sort of words. "I-.." Was all I couldn't say.

"And please don't say that you aren't perfect, because that's a total lie.. You're too perfect for me. You're too perfect for this f*cked up place!" He said, stepping closer to me.

I couldn't hold back, anymore. I lunged forward, wrapping my arms around Clay's neck, before kissing him.

He was surprised, to say the least, but ultimately kissed back. The kiss was passionate, but sweet. It lasted a few seconds, before Clay pulled away, leaning our foreheads against each other's.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, before he kissed it away. "You're too pretty to cry.." He said, earning a giggle from me.

Clay hugged me as tightly as he could. "Holy shit, I've missed that laugh.." He said, rocking us back and fourth, as I hugged back.

"This is real sweet and all, but there are other people in the room." Said Tommy, crossing his arms.

"Oops- Sorry guys." I said, laughing. "It's alright, Y/N." Wilbur said, pushing Tommy out of the way.

"Yeah! We're just glad you guys worked it out!" Said Tubbo. I smiled. "Thank you guys.." I said.
"What are brothers for?" Said Tommy.

"Now.. I know that we've obviously had our differences, and we all know that I hate surrendering power.. but there's one reason that I do that.. Y/N. So, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, L'Manburg can have their independence, so long as- Y/N isn't made to choose sides, or get hurt in any way." Said Dream.

I smiled. "Deal." Said the three Brits, in unison. "Finally!" I said, chuckling. 

"'Cause baby I tried, tried, tried
I Tried to be perfect.
And I opened my eyes and found that
It really was worth it"

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