Goodbye (11)

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⚠️TW⚠️ : Slight / Mild g0re, as well as lots of fighting. Read at your own risk.



I spent the next several hours deciding how I would help L'Manburg win this fight, without hurting the Dream Team.

I ultimately decided that I'd just have to go in there and help defend them as much as I could, while dealing as little damage as possible. It'd be difficult, but I was willing to try. 

A little while after I had heard Clay go in his room, I decided that I'd try to stop him one last time.

I got up from my desk, and walked across the hall to his bedroom, before knocking on the door. "Clay..?" I said, softly.

"Come in." He said. I opened the door, and walked over to his bed, sitting down next to him. "If you're here to try and convince me not to go through with this, then I suggest you leave." 

"Clay, please just talk through this with me. No yelling, no fighting, just talking.. okay?" He sighed. "Fine." I smiled slightly.

"Are you sure that you want to go through with this..? After all, you promised me that you weren't going to hurt them.. I can't just sit and watch my only family left being attacked."

"Y/N I am 100% positive I want to do this. That was a stupid promise that I made at a stupid time. I get it, they're you're family and whatever- but we're your family now! Don't you see? We love you more than they ever did! I love you more than they ever did.." He said, raising a hand to my cheek.

"Don't you get it? This is for you! Our lives will be so much better with them out of the way, darling. Just trust me, alright? I won't hurt them. I just need to scare them away! I promise!"

He seemed so genuine. I nodded, believing him. "Now.. It's late. Why don't we head to bed, alright?" He said. "Alright.." I replied, mind still racing with thoughts and questions. We both changed into our sleep clothes, before laying down next to each other in his bed.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Clay."

The Next Morning

I woke up to lots of yelling coming from the living room. I got up and walked in there, to see all three of my "roommates" In their enchanted netherite armor, wielding their swords. I gulped. Nick looked at me with a guilty look.

I was confused as to why, since Clay said that they were only going to scare the L'Manburgians, and not actually hurt them.

I thought for a moment, deciding that it would still be best if I warned my brothers. "I'm.. gonna go for a walk." I said, exiting the house and running towards the L'Mamburg walls. When I finally got inside, Tommy was standing there. "Y/N!" He yelled, excitedly.

"Tom!- G- get Wi- Wilbur!" I said, out of breath. Tommy nodded, before leaving. A few moments later be arrived back with Wilbur.

"Oh, hey Y/N!" He said, cheerfully. "Wilbur! Dream- He's doing it today! He told me he was only going to scare you, and not actually hurt you all, but I thought it'd be best if I still warned you." I said.

Wilbur's eyes widened. "Okay.. thank you, Y/N. We appreciate your help." He said walking towards me, and planting a kiss on my forehead. "Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be going to prepare. Goodbye!" He said, walking away with Tommy.

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