Wtf? (4)

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I ran, excitedly, to greet the black haired man who just walked in. I immediately wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"Holy shit! Y/N?!" He yelled, surprised. After a few seconds, we let go of our hug. "After your p—" He cut himself off, looking around at the other two men in the room.

"The- the thing.. I thought I'd never see you again! I wasn't even sure you were alive!" I chuckled. "Well-.. I am!" I said, smiling. "Wait- Why are you here?" Nick asked, confused.

Dream answered, before I was able to. "She's a L'Manburgian. How the hell do you two know each other? And why does she use your real name?" He asked, half curious, half angry.

"We were best friends when we were little.. something happened, and we got separated— wait- You live in L'Manburg?!" He said, turning towards me, wide-eyed.

"Uh.. Yeah.. After— well.. y'know.. I got lost in the woods. After a few days, Wilbur found me wandering around. He introduced himself, and invited me back to L'Manburg.

He, Technoblade, Tommy, and Tubbo adopted me as their little sister.." Nick looked at me, surprised. "Wow.." Was all he could say. "Wait— Why is she here?" Nick asked, now suddenly confused.

"I- Long story..." Said Dream. I rolled my eyes at this. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Y/N." He said, sternly. Bipolar much. "Anyways. She'll be here for a while, so get used to it." He said, keeping the stern tone.

"I'm going back to my room." I said, walking towards the hall that led to my bedroom. "Not unless I come with you." Said Dream, holding an arm out to stop me from reaching my destination.

"What?! That's the one room I have freedom in!" I said, now annoyed. "Either I come with you, or you stay in here." I groaned, but complied. "C'mon then." I said, as Dream began following me to my room.

I layed down on my bed, facing the ceiling. Dream, on the other hand, just stood in the doorway. "So.. you just gonna stand there and watch me- or.." I said, annoyed just with his presence.

"You better f*cking behave, Y/N. I may have only wanted to take you from Wilbur, but I could easily take you from the planet." He said, sending chills down my spine.

"Bipolar bitch.." I said, under my breath. "What was that?" He said stepping closer. I sat up, and turned so that I was facing the wall. "What the f*ck did you just call me?" I still didn't answer.

Dream grabbed my wrist, roughly with one hand, and my jaw with the other. He turned my face so that I was staring directly into the poorly drawn eyes on his mask.

"You better start f*cking speaking, princess.." I was scared shitless, but I wasn't going to let him see that. "I said you're a bipolar bitch. What's the problem? It's the truth. Can't handle your own personality?.. or, rather- several- personalities." I said, trying to get under his skin.

He tightened his grip on my wrist, and moved his other hand from my jaw to my throat, practically choking me. (DONT MAKE THIS DIRTY PLEASE) "Y/N, love.. I'd be careful what I say, if I were you.." He said, anger oozing out with every word.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to pry his hands off of me. I couldn't breathe. To my luck, they wouldn't budge. Just then, the door swung open.

"What the hell, Clay?" Yelled Nick. "Dude, get off of her!" He yelled again, shoving Dream away from me. I practically gasped for air, the second his hand was removed from me.

"Don't touch me!" Yelled Dream, angrily. "Then don't touch her!" Retorted Nick. I immediately covered my ears, and closed my eyes. Ever since I was little, I've always hated fighting. Or— Yelling, at least.

I began to lose control of my breathing patterns, and before I knew it, I was having a panic attack. The second Nick noticed, he rushed right over to me, and removed my hands from my hair, holding them in his own.

"Hey.. Y/N, look at me.." He said, gently. I looked up slightly, half meeting his gaze. My vision was blurry, with tears. "It's okay.. breath.. you're alright. I'm right here."

I took a few deep breaths. Nick wrapped me in a tight hug, rubbing circles on my back. "I'm so sorry.. I didn't think about yelling around you.." I sniffled, before speaking. "No, no. Please don't apologize.. It's not your fault." I said, hugging him tighter.

Dream was just standing there awkwardly. He honestly looked somewhat jealous. "Dream.. I think you should go." Nick said, quiet, but stern. Dream stayed put.

"Dream, go." He didn't move. The two boys had an intense staring competition. "I brought her here. You have no right to do this." Dream said, sounding pissed.

"You were hurting her! I had every right to do that!" Oh please no, don't tell me they're going to fight again. Before I could panic any more, I spoke.

"P- Please leave.." I said, quietly, voice still shaky from crying. Dream looked hurt. "Fine." He said, storming out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.

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