Confessions? (7)

36 4 7

I sighed. "I-.. I can't.." I finally said. Dream looked at me, surprised. "W- what..?" He said, sounding hurt.

"I'm sorry.." I said, looking over at him. "May- may I ask why..?" He said. I looked up, slowly.

"Dream- or- Clay.. there are.. lots- of reasons.. some of which are too personal for me to share.." Dream looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please..?" He asked. "I- fine.. Being with you would mean betraying my brothers. My family. The only family I still have! My parents u-uhm..- passed when I was younger.. a-anyways- I also.. I don't know if I'm ready to- love.. someone again.." I said, pretty much word vomiting.

"Again..?" Dream said, confused. My eyes widened, realizing what I had said. "Yes.. again. I- Was in a relationship before.. but- I-it.. let's just say that it wasn't a good relationship.. or with a good person.." I said, fidgeting with my hands.

Dream hugged me. I flinched, surprised, but ultimately hugged back. "I'm so sorry, Y/N.. I didn't know you went through all of that.." He said, softly, rubbing circles on my back.

I sniffled, laying my head on his shoulder. "It's fine.. I just- I'm.. I'm really sorry, Clay.." I said, sadly. "No! No! Y/N don't apologize! You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.." I looked up at him.

"But- But I hurt you!" He smiled softly. "Don't worry about me. Focus on you, okay?" I leaned my forehead against his.

Clay closed his eyes, and began inching towards me, and I did the same. Then- retaliation hit me like a truck. What am I doing?

I quickly pushed Clay away from me, and got up. I bolted as fast as I could, back to his house. The more it came into view, the faster I ran.

When I finally reached the house, I burst through the wooden door, startling Nick in the process. "Woah- Are you alright?" He asked, standing up.

I ignored him, as I ran to the guest room, slamming the door, and locking it behind me. I slid down to the floor, letting my head fall back, hitting the cold wooden door.

I closed my eyes, letting gentle tears slowly trail down my face. I began feeling tired. Just as I fell asleep, I heard a sudden banging on the door. I jumped up, startled, taking a moment to process what had just happened.

Then, I heard a voice. "Y/N?! Are you in there?!" Said the voice. Clay. I wiped my eyes, quickly. I cleared my throat, before speaking. "Uh- Yes.. I'm in here.." I said, trying not to make it too apparent that I had been crying.

"Oh, thank god.." I heard Clay whisper under his breath. "Can I uh.. come in?" He asked, cautiously. I hesitated for a moment. "Sure.." I said, standing up, and opening the door.

I stepped aside, to let Clay enter. We went over to my bed, both sitting down on the edge. "So.." I started. "I- I'm so sorry, Y/N.. I shouldn't have sprung all of that on you at once.. I just.. I really really like you.. and I couldn't not tell you- And I know that I'm the enemy, and that you don't like me that way,

I cut him off. "No one said I don't like you like that.." He looked up at me. "I-.. I wasn't planning on doing this, but I need to be honest with you, Clay. You deserve to know.."

He nodded, slowly. I sighed, before continuing.

"So.. I told you that I have an ex who wasn't..- great. I don't really want to go into details about the relationship, but ever since then.. I've just.." I paused.

"This is gonna sound so stupid!-" I said, frustrated. Clay's expression softened. "No it won't, Y/N.." I nodded.

"Ever since then.. I've been scared.. Scared to love and scared to be loved.. And when I realized what was happening, I just panicked. I'm really sorry, Clay." I said, tears beginning to form.

Clay smiled softly, placing a hand on my cheek. "Please don't apologize, Y/N.. I completely understand. But I want you to understand that I will love and care for you unconditionally. Even if that's just platonically. I'm always going to be here, alright? But please.. give me a chance. We can do this together! I really want this to work.. I really want us to work." A tear made its way down my cheek, as he spoke.

Without realizing it, I had began to lean in. Then.. I kissed him.

"I- I'm so sor—" Dream— or, Clay- cut me off by kissing me again. He broke off the kiss, before smiling. "Don't apologize." He said, as I layed my head on his shoulder.

"So.. does this mean you're my girlfriend?" Clay asked, quietly. I smiled, and nodded slightly. "Yes. Yes it does."

"You know.. I didn't realize it before, but f*ck, Y/N.. I think- no. I know, I'm in love with you."

My eyes widened, and a smile formed on my face. "I'm in love with you too, Clay.." I said softly.

Clay wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly, as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

We stayed that way for a while, before we heard the door creak open. "The f*ck?? Clay she's literally the enemy!" Yelled an angry George. "George calm down.." Clay started, before being cut off by George. "No! Don't tell me to calm down! You're in here cuddling with our greatest enemy's sister! I have every right to be angry!"

I looked up at George collecting my thoughts, before deciding to speak. "George.. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but could we maybe start over..? I'd love to be friends.. or at least not hate each other.." I said. George scoffed, looking at Clay.

"Seriously? Don't tell me you fall for this bullshit. It's so fake!" I immediately felt Clay tense up. "George. Stop. Just- Just go." He said, clearly trying not to get angry.

George stormed out of the room angrily, revealing a short Sapnap behind him. (I was going to put smiling.. but short seemed more fitting XD) "Congrats , man! I knew you could do it!" He said, walking into the room. I looked up at him, confused. "You knew?" I asked. Clay chuckled, seemingly nervous. "Yeah.." I chuckled, looking over at Nick. "At least you're okay with it.." I said.

Nick nodded, before belly flopping right on top of me, on the bed. "Nick, you bitch! Get off of me!" I said, wheezing. Nick only made himself more comfortable. "Nah.. I think I'll take a nap. Goodnight!" He said, giggling. I decided to do the only reasonable thing, and shove Nick off of the bed. "HAH!" I said, pointing at him.

"Motherf*cker!" Nick yelled, in return to both my push, and my mockery. Clay only laughed. "You kind of deserved it.." He said, smiling. "You're only siding with her, because you're a f*cking simp!!" Yelled Nick. "Am NOT!" Yelled Clay. I giggled, as the two boys chased each other around the bedroom.

My stomach began to growl, so I decided to go get something to eat. Just as I neared the living room, I heard George talking to someone on the phone. "I just thought you deserved to know that your sister's dating your life-long enemy." — "Exactly what I said!" — "Okay.. mhm. See you then!" What the hell? Did he just rat me out to Wilbur?!

I hurried back into my bedroom, to tell Nick and Clay. I ran into the room, seeing the boys now sitting on the bed. "Woah— Slow down there, speedy." Nick said, chuckling.

"George!- He- He called Wilbur. He told Wil about our relationship, Clay!" I said, out of breath from running. "He what?!" He said, angrily. "Shit.." Said Nick. Before I could say anything else, the doorbell opened, and we heard a deep British voice.


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