Dead to us (8)

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⚠️SLIGHT TW⚠️ : Arguing. Read at your own risk.


I looked over at Clay to say something, but before I could speak, a tall figure burst into the room.

"Y/N, what the F*CK?! The enemy? REALLY?! Of ALL PEOPLE you chose him? Are you f*cking kidding me?!" I sighed. "Right.. no, 'Oh my god Y/N I've missed you!' or 'Thank god you're okay, Y/N?'?" Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"Not when you're acting like this!" He yelled. "Wilbur, I have the right to decide who I date.. I'm not a child." I said. "Seriously?! After everything L'Manburg's done for you? You betray them?! You betray me? After everything?! We were the only people to take you in, and this is how you return the favor?! Fine. If that's how you want to play, then so be it. Don't expect anything from any of us, ever. You're no longer family to us." He spat out.

With each word, I felt my eyes well up more. Wilbur stormed out of the room. "Wil, wait!" I said, voice breaking. I looked over at Clay, and was immediately wrapped up in a hug.

"F*ck! This is exactly what I wanted to avoid!" I said, weakly. Clay rubbed circles into my back. "I know.. I know.." He said, as I began to cry. "I'm sure he didn't mean it.." Nick chimed in.

"Not to be pessimistic, but Wil always means what he says.." I said, sniffling. Clay gave Nick a look, silently asking for him to leave. He walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Clay immediately picked me up, and sat us down on the bed together.

He's stroked my hair for a while, before we both began to get tired. We ended up falling asleep there together.


I woke up the next morning, still wrapped up in Clay's embrace. I looked up, to see him sleeping peacefully. I lifted my hand up, gently placing it on his cheek. I was rubbing small circles with my thumb, when his eyes fluttered open. He immediately began smiling. "Goodmorning.." He said in a deep, raspy voice. I giggled at the morning voice, smiling. "Morning!" Then.. I remembered the events from the previous night.

"I need to go see them.." I said, quietly. Clay stared at me for a few seconds, before sighing. "Fine.. but I'm coming with you." I nodded, before getting up to change. Clay and I both got ready, and ate breakfast, before heading to L'Manburg. I used my spare key to open the gate. I was immediately met with my three brothers.

"Hey guys.." I said, nervously. Wilbur just glared at me. "I thought I made it clear that you were no longer welcome." He said, harshly. I was taken aback by his words. "Wil, please.. We can talk about this.." I said, softly. Wilbur wasn't having it. "Y/N, I already told you. We don't want you here. You're dead to us." My eyes widened, and my heart dropped. I turned to face my two younger brothers.

"You guys too..?" I said, tearing up. Tommy ran over to me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so so sorry, Y/N.. I- I tried to talk to him but- " He paused, crying into my shoulder. "Hey.. It's alright, Tom. It isn't your fault, alright? It'll be okay, I promise.." I said, rubbing his back. He nodded, before Wilbur spoke.

"That's enough, Tommy." He said, harshly. He broke away from the hug, giving me just about the most pitiful look I've ever seen. "I love you.." He said, softly. I smiled, and kissed his head, before ruffling his hair. "Stay out of trouble, okay?" I said. He nodded, softly smiling, before walking back to Wilbur.

"I guess.. I'll be on my way, then.." I said, tearing up, before turning and leaving. The entire walk back to the house, I couldn't shake that face Tommy made, seeing me leave.

When we got home, Clay told me to go upstairs, because he needed to talk to the guys. I didn't really care for anything they had to talk about in the moment, so I complied.

I threw myself on the bed, letting my pathetic tears soak the sheets.

After a little while of wallowing, I began to get thirsty. I got out of bed, and walked into the kitchen. The second I entered the room, all three boys went dead silent.

"Uhm.. What are we talking about in here?" I asked, grabbing a water from the fridge. "U-uh- Nothing!" Nick said, earning a slap to the shoulder from Clay. "Don't worry about it,
Y/N." Clay said, smiling. I nodded, confused. "Okay..?" I said, before heading back to my room.

Just as I went to enter my bedroom, a specific word said by one of the boys stuck out to me.


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