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OMFG this story was a goddamn blast to write. For my pokemon fans, I tried to keep everything as canon world accurate as possible regarding pokemon and their stories (legendaries) as well as various pokemon moves and powers. This story does not have human Pokemon characters in it (from manga or anime), only MHA characters and pokemon themselves. This is also my first MHA fic that is 100% original content! It's its own story, no mha canon timeline events. I did so much research for this fic my god, but it was all super fun cause I've always loved Pokemon!

The story is Shoto-centric but has the POV of both him and Izuku.

Trigger warning for depression, self harm and dark themes. Enjoy!

-x- Shoto -x-

"Shoto, come here," Touya called from his room down the hall. Shoto ran to him, little slippers on his small feet scuffing the wooden floor. When the nearly four year old got to his older brother, he pushed the door open the rest of the way, and hurried inside. Touya was his favorite sibling. He was always nice to him. Natsuo didn't like having a little brother, but Touya was happy to have siblings and always showed it.

"Wha's it?" Shoto asked brightly, peeking over the desk Touya was sitting at.

"I wanted to teach you how to type. You're little but smart. Maybe typing could help you talk better," Touya said. He lifted Shoto up and put him in his lap. The bicolored hair boy looked at the keyboard. "You put your fingers on it, like this." Shoto tried, but his fingers were too little and stubby. "You can bounce them around."

"I don' sink I'm smart enough," Shoto said, eyeing the keys with wariness. His eyes narrowed at them suspiciously.

"Don't say that, you'll learn," Touya said. The door was pushed open by Hono, Touya's flareon. He walked to the desk and started pawing at Touya's leg. He shooed him away, but he made an annoyed growling noise. Touya sighed, and set Shoto on the floor. He went to pet the fluffy mane. He didn't have his own yet.

The Todoroki family only kept eevee evolutions because they all came from the same pokemon and he wanted varying types in the family. Fuyumi had a glaceon, Natsuo had an espeon, and Touya had a flareon. The father had an umbreon. Rei was the only one without an eevee pokemon, she had a snow vulpix. Shoto didn't have one yet, he would get one when his quirk came. He couldn't wait!

Touya stopped the fruitless trying to teach the three year old to type to take Hono on a walk as he demanded. Shoto drooped, and left Touya's room. But Touya looked back at him, "Wanna come, too?" Shoto's heterochromatic eyes brightened, and he nodded, hurrying after him. They were in the entry way, putting shoes on when Enji got home.

He opened the door, his umbreon walking in first and wiping his paws on the front mat. He stepped into the powder bin to not leave paw prints anywhere. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Hono needs a walk."

"And why are you taking Shoto with you?" he asked firmly. Touya faltered and Shoto gave a deep, sad pout, holding his hands together, fingers intertwined. He looked down, knowing his father didn't like him. He didn't really know why. Maybe it was because Shoto wasn't as good with talking as the others had been. Or maybe because he took up a lot of Touya's attention, his only successful child so far.

Touya said, "Well... we were hanging out, and then Hono bugged me for a walk."

"You stay here. Touya, go on your walk and then come back to train." The nearly thirteen year old hesitated, looking at the sad Shoto, who just stared at his feet. He took his single shoe off and put back on the slippers. "Go," Enji snapped. Touya frowned, looking down, and left with his pokemon partner.

The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders (My Hero Academia x Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now