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-x- Izuku -x-

He couldn't get the image out of his head. Shoto's torso covered in blackish purple colors. It looked like ink blots, or when ink make contact with a wet napkin and just spreads. Izuku had gotten distracted. He was excited over this, and forgot the only reason Shoto was there with him right now.

And when he returned to his room, able to not cry until then, he'd looked at the bed with Mitty sleeping. Would she attempt to kill Izuku when she turned into a shadow pokemon? Would it happen to all of their pokemon, and they'd all be trapped with them? Everyone would be trapped with them. Mitty's only real way of causing harm is with head butting or her head leaf. He imagined her slaps not being out of joy and happiness. Looking at his All Might merch, he wondered if he would kill Ember when he turned. How many people would be willing to kill their pokemon in self defense? And how many would die or get hurt by not being willing to?

Shoto would turn into one, too. He already was. Izuku just saw proof. It wasn't just a worry, it wasn't a single black splotch on his hand that he forgot about. Shoto's upper body was soaked in black. Black was soaked into his skin. No wonder he taped off the mirror. It shouldn't be a surprise that Shoto expected himself to die soon when he saw that every day.

When he made it to breakfast, Ochako was trying to brighten his mood, and he did his best to pretend he was not deeply upset over the state of his best friend. He did his absolute best to play along, and none of these people but Ochako knew him, so he wouldn't be acting out of character.

He got a pop tart and sat next to Shoto, who was eating toaster waffles. Nobody at the tables had cooked real food, it was all frozen, cereal or pastries and toast. Shoto had isolated himself, sitting to the side while paying attention to the pokemon and not his classmates. God, he was going to be miserable here.

Izuku was lost in his thoughts almost all day. It was short school day, and then they were doing more tours of the campus and introductions to clubs and extra curriculars. He was barely paying attention as he drifted along. But he looked engaged, skilled at faking. Which he never knew he could really do.

Shoto was hanging out most with Yaoyorozu and the other electricity guy, who seemed to be obsessed with him and his "quirk". Izuku wondered what the world would think in the end. After Shoto saved the world, on the unlikely chance things went according to how they were planned years ago.

After class, Izuku left the class, claiming he wanted to see the teacher about something, and instead walked down the hall and sat on the nearest bench.

I saw all the black marks, he typed rapidly into the text chat.

Touya replied with. And?

How long have they been there?

Couple weeks. They get progressively worse. How is he? Is he ok?

He had a panic attack in the shower. He said he saw his face was black.

UA is the fucking worst place for him right now, he needs to talk with Arceus about this BS. If he is gonna fucking die then why have him someplace like that?


Izuku ran his hands through his hair roughly, and Ochako walked over, looking concerned. "Are you alright? Is it Shoto, is it Arc-?"

"You don't talk about that stuff." He said it harshly, surprisingly so. It shocked Ochako. "I'm sorry. I just got bad news," he said with a sigh. "Please never bring that up."

"Oh... why not?"

"Just... don't. Please. Don't ask Shoto about it, and don't ever reference it. Nobody knows here but me."

The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders (My Hero Academia x Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now