Before The Nightmare

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-x- Shoto -x-

Standing outside the coffee shop, Shoto was waiting for Yaoyorozu, both of them planning to get something easy to eat and then head to UA nearby for the recommended students to be tested. Both of them ended up qualifying, though Shoto wasn't surprised by either of them being accepted in this way. Or at least, given a much better chance at getting in.

Her quirk was incredibly useful and could easily be improved. Shoto's was diverse and powerful, still quite unknown by those who promoted him to the hero school. Bakugo was pissed when he heard about that. He didn't know Izuku was applying and had a quirk. Again. A different one than the one Bakugo saw before, from Palkia - which disappeared completely.

When Yaoyorozu came, she was wearing workout clothes, a tight tank top and yoga pants. Shoto was wearing a plain t shirt and some loose pants. He didn't like showing much skin out of worry more black spots would show up. Every morning when he woke up, he worried the black would have spread. It hadn't.

While he was still sad for Kyogre's life and death, it had indeed slowed the spread, and Shoto hadn't gotten bad news in a few weeks. "Todoroki-san!"

"Hi," Shoto said. Envy was chewing on a pokemon bone. Yaoyorozu's jigglypuff wasn't useful in fights like Envy could be. She was easier to move fast. Shoto didn't plan on being a villain fighter, but it was good she could defend herself regardless. Made him less worried than he needed to ever be.

"Are you ready? I'm so excited and nervous."

"I guess. I just want to get it over with," Shoto said as they got food. Shoto got a blueberry bagel and she got a banana muffin. They sat at the table and ate. The black haired teen was tapping her foot nervously. "You shouldn't worry. You're smart and your quirk is super useful." She smiled.

"I'm still nervous. Everyone tells me I shouldn't be. You're the same, though. So that means you should be completely confident, too."

"I have to pass. There's no other option. I have someone I need to prove myself to."

"Are you only going to UA because of that?"

"Originally, I didn't even want to be a hero."

"Oh! Are you... being forced?"

"No. UA is the only way I can do what I need. It doesn't make sense, sorry," Shoto said. She backed off, noticing he was shutting down. She didn't ask further, which Shoto appreciated. She pet Envy's head when she bumped her yellow forehead against her leg. She's nice. I hope you're in the same class together with Izuku.

Me, too. I think All Might would fight to keep us together. Lucky for us. After Yaoyorozu finished her muffin, they walked to the school, up the long road through the forest to the main campus. It was pretty, and Shoto was deeply distracted by all the interested forest pokemon poking their heads out of the brush. He had to ignore them, sadly. He wished he could visit with them all, but it just wasn't going to work right now. Maybe on their way out. When they made it to the entry way onto the campus, his friend went tense and she bit her lip. He looped his arm through hers.

"It'll be fine. If you don't get into UA, you'd get into another school, right?" She took a deep calming breath and nodded. He was glad she didn't return the sentiment. When they got inside, following yellow arrows, there were only eight other students. A mixture of guys and girls. They were in a small room and were all given a written exam.

Shoto wasn't that surprised when everyone finished very quickly. Most had very well behaved pokemon just napping or staying quiet by the chairs their humans were sitting in. He saw someone else had a jolteon as well. This was was bigger than Envy, so probably a male. He wanted to interact with them but knew the other students might not want him to be friendly with them in case they were all actually competing against one another.

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