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-x-Shoto -x-

A kick ball was bounced against Shoto's head, knocking him forward a bit. He stumbled and tripped, landing on his stomach. Laughter rang out around him. He stood up and sighed, walked to the lunch table to where Izuku was. Shoto had a cut on his cheek, and turned his fingers to water to sooth it.

"Izuku, I got the book last night," Shoto stated. Izuku gasped. He nodded. "It's thick. Touya read it already. He wanted to proofread it for me." Shoto was a bit exasperated with his protectiveness when it came to him. "Do you want to come over tonight and we can try to read it?"

"Yeah!" Envy was there, looking and sounding furious. How dare they do that?! If I wasn't gonna get in trouble for biting I would have bitten.

I know. It's okay, really. It didn't hurt too badly.

Shoto hated people knowing about his power. He didn't like the attention it brought. Arceus never told him it was wrong to not bring attention to it, not yet. Not for many more years. So, because of Shoto's aversion to attention, his power had evolved into a better version, where he could speak telepathically with them. This left him only seeming kind of slow in processing things. But it kept people from crowding him.

"Envy is pissed," Shoto said. Of course I am!

That was mean, I didn't like it, Mitty said.

It's really okay. It'll heal, I'm fine.

You should fight back!

I'm not using my power on people. They'd had this conversation more times than truly necessary. "I don't think you should fight people for being mean, but telling them not to, you should at least do that."

"If they cared about my opinion, they wouldn't be bullying me. I'm just glad you're okay," Shoto said quietly. Shoto didn't regret pretending he was quirkless so Izuku wasn't alone. Besides, there was nothing his power could do to help anyone but himself right now. Besides, being bullied for "having no quirk" and protecting his friend was so much more preferred than having people respect him for his power and look down on his best friend.

Besides, it wasn't as if he wasn't quirkless. Touya had a friend come over awhile ago, who could use his hands to take x ray shots of things. It did indeed show that Shoto was born without the pinky toe joint. "I wish you wouldn't lower yourself for me."

Shoto gave the six year old a smile. "You're my best friend, I'd do anything to keep you not miserable." Izuku gave a small smile and nodded. Shoto fiddled with his stone necklace in his shirt. After recess was over, the pokemon and their humans headed back inside. All pokemon had to be trained to not react to bullying. The school couldn't have pokemon attacking students for being jerks or everyone would go home injured daily. So Envy and Mitty had to put up with it.

That was first recess, and they were having an announcement in the class. Shoto and Izuku were in the seats furthest from the front desk so nobody was behind them and could spit at them or something. Kids were jerks. Shoto was resigned to not be one of them. He was loyal to his friends and family.

They still spoke to Ochako. Not often, but at least once a week they talked about things. She was at an all girls' school right now, so they were the only guys her age she ever spoke to. But being long distance, her friendship with them had not blossomed in the way it had for Shoto and Izuku. They went through shared hardships at school, which was a big reason they were so close. Not just because Izuku knew all about the pokemon secret.

Both of the were surprised, and a bit worried, when a new student came in. "Introduce yourself."

"Bakugo Katsuki!" Bakugo barked. He gave a nasty glare to everyone before locking eyes with his old friend and his old friend's friend. He was gestured to take the seat in the back. His houndour trotted over, recognizing him. It's you!

The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders (My Hero Academia x Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now