A Shadowy Future

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-x- Shoto -x-

"Again, it's only you going?" Izuku asked, standing at the treeline while Touya set up camp. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yeah. I don't really think having your memories erased, losing emotion or losing willpower will be any help. I just hope they don't do that to me," he said, looking alone the crystal clear lake. It looked like the water was sheet of glass. He was glad there was at least a rowboat he could use and didn't need to swim the whole way.

Arceus finally told him more about the lake guardians. It flipped the world on its axis, and it became clear pokemon had lived far, far longer than humans. He didn't tell Izuku or Touya the fact that the pokemon he was about to meet, hopefully meet, had taught humans basic emotions. If they knew, he didn't know how they'd feel. It was big news.

He did keep secrets from them, but they were important ones. Envy climbed into the boat, and he rowed his way across it to the dark pool area. Where the sky didn't reflect. It was dark, empty water. It looked unnatural compared to the rest of the reflecting lake. Envy was nervous. Don't worry. Worst case scenario is that we forget we ever came here.

Envy nodded.

When they reached the dark spot, the boat was yanked into it, jolting both of them and rocking the rowboat. A hole opened up beneath the water, and the boat fell inside. They landed in another pool of water in the dark. It was damp inside, and Shoto was intrigued. He crackled electricity in his hand to give some lighting. He rowed the boat with one arm to the side.

"Hello?" he called, voice echoing obnoxiously. Hello? My name is Shoto. Best to not be too noisy and rude and inconsiderate.

What are you doing here?

Yeah, what, what?

Who are you?

There were three voices, which was what he was betting on. It seemed their living standards had changed, as the book did not say they lived beneath a lake, but beside it. He looked up and saw the water above. It really was like a sheet of glass. The water was a roof above them. No wonder there had been no water pokemon inside the lake.

My name is Todoroki Shoto. I've come to ask for your powers. Arecus sent me.


And he three fairy legendary pokemon popped up in front of him. They were cute and seemed nonthreatening, but he didn't let that get to his head. Arceus sent me here.

How do you know of him?

Its a long story. I'm like his ward. Something bad is coming, so he gave me the power to communicate with pokemon and receive their powers so I can be prepared for whatever bad will happen. I've already met Celebi and Suicune. It's alright if you don't want to give me your powers, but please don't erase my memories. You are very cool to see.

Aw, you're so sweet. Come with us! And they floated away. Well, it looked more like they were dancing in the air. Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Shoto was sure no human had seen them in a long, long time. When did you learn the truth of the past?

A few days ago. Humans were made by pokemon and you gave us ways to think.

This is quite surprising! Arceus-sama hasn't created any living being in a very long time. He followed them in the cave, darker and deeper until it was suddenly bright. There were lines of light on the walls. As if a pen made of light had been scribbled all over the walls. The kid looked at it all in awe. No other human had ever been here before. It was humbling.

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