Any Progress Is Good Progress

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-x- Izuku -x-

Holding Shoto's hand so he didn't float away, Izuku stood his ground, safely allowing Shoto to practice his levitate, which terrified but excited him. The third grader then had the power shut off and landed on the pillows, panting hard. He was covered in sweat, his hair sticking to his face. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah," Shoto said, sitting up, and wiped his face of the sweat, rubbing his damp hands on the carpet. "Bow, I'm fine," he added when the sylveon was pacing back and forth. It was clear he was worried. Izuku didn't know what he'd said.

"And you're doing a good job. Just stop worrying, I have the pillows."

Suddenly, the room changed to black, stars all around. Izuku shouted in alarm and Shoto's eyes widened. He stood up. "Don't worry, this is the Star Room." Izuku gasped, frightened but excited. It was only a few seconds later that Arceus appeared. Izuku's jaw dropped. He was beautiful, and looked exactly like Shoto's drawings of him. He was the largest pokemon Izuku had ever seen in person.

"Arceus, what happened?" Shoto asked, looking worried and confused.

"I want you to find Celebi."

"Why? Is something wrong with her?"

"I'd like you to be able to heal yourself."

"...Is something bad going to happen to me?" the eight year old asked in worry. Arceus was honest, and nodded. "Oh..." he said faintly. Izuku was worried, too. But he didn't dare speak to this literal god. It was good enough he got to see. "Um, why did you let Izuku come?"

"He will be with you when it happens." Izuku pursed his lips and his eyes widened. "You have the location of Celebi, find her."

"Um, when? When does something bad happen?" Izuku didn't understand why Arceus didn't just stop it, but then remembered that Arceus never altered events or fixed human problems directly. Always hints in the world. So, he couldn't save them or anything, but could give them advice on how to be alright.

"Next week." So, they had to find Celebi, now, then. Shoto took a deep breath and nodded. "I believe you can do it." Did that mean Shoto did, if god thought he could? Izuku was still entranced by the god pokemon, which Shoto didn't seem to be in awe of. Well, how long had it been? Four years? Four years to Arceus had to be less than a second in the grand scheme of his immortal life.

Shoto said, "Okay," in a small and unsure voice. "Okay, I'll do it." Arceus nodded, and the Star Room disappeared and they were in the bedroom again. Izuku fell to his butt on the floor, in complete shock. Shoto was already preparing, taking out the book he hid under his mattress, and looking for the portal to Celebi's location. Leaning over, Izuku could still not see the coordinates.

"Touya will be really mad if we tell him," Shoto stated. "He'll blame Arceus for whatever bad will happen." He scanned the page before turning it to the next, finding what he was looking for. "It... it's gonna be hard to find her, she's in the Aokigahara forest." The thick forest along Mount Fuji. "Maybe we could have Touya drive us, and wander away."

"We'd get in trouble, maybe police would be called," Izuku said. It didn't sound like the best idea.

"I could go on my own," Shoto said, but didn't look happy with that choice.

"Having Touya go with us would make things easier," the conventionally quirkless one said. "He would be glad to help us with this, to keep you safe." Shoto sighed, but nodded. He closed the book and held it to his chest. He went to Touya's room, who let him in. He saw the shellshocked children and stopped his game.

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