Vague Intentions

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-x- Shoto -x-

"Touya?" Shoto asked late one night, when everyone was asleep but for Touya, who was playing video games. He looked shocked that Shoto was awake. He needed to confide in him. He wanted Touya to know, but not the others in his family. Envy was behind him, having thought Arceus was being unfair. But she supported him in whatever he did. "I wanna talk to you."

"Sure, come on in," he said, and Shoto entered, Envy coming in through the flap behind him. Shoto was carrying the box with the stone in it, also wearing gloves, not wanting to touch it with no idea what it was for. Nothing else weird had happened since it appeared at school that morning.

He sat on the bed. "I'll tell you about what happened yesterday, at the park." Touya looked serious, and confused. After all, Shoto had been saying he didn't know what had happened. He just passed out and woke up in the hospital. Which was not true at all. "Make sure you don' interrupt, okay?"

"I won't." So Shoto explained what happened, what he was told, and then that this box appeared at the table. Touya didn't react for a long moment, and the little boy didn't know what he was thinking of it.

"Have you opened the box? Is that why you have gloves on?" Touya asked. "I'm sorry you have so much pressure on you."

"You believe me?" Shoto asked in awe, happiness tinting his shock.

"You're anything but a liar. Well, there was the Celebi incident, but that was hiding the truth, not telling it."

"I don't want to touch it, cause there's no instruction," he said, and opened it up to show the stone in a padded mold inside the old wooden box. Touya poked it with the butt of his pencil. "What is it?" Shoto shrugged.

"Envy said she can't tell what it is, too. And we already saw lots of stone evolutions." Touya nodded.

"Can I touch it?" Shoto nodded, and Touya carefully took it out of the box. It did nothing in his hands as he turned it over, trying to unlock its secrets, but he found none. "I can't even tell what type it would be for." He put it down and went onto his laptop and searched for stones for any kind of reference.

Shoto peeked over his shoulder. "I don't see anything looking like this. Did... did Arceus tell you what it is?" It felt like Shoto wasn't believed fully about this. But he knew it was silly to think others would fully believe a god would talk to a four year old boy. But he'd never heard of it before now, before he met him.

He took solace that he wasn't crazy because Touya was holding something that he thought was from the god pokemon. And others at school had also touched it. He hoped plusle and minum still got to stay there even after biting Bakugo. "No. I don't know what it is... I just think it's from him. It might not be. But it just appeared on the table, outta nowhere."

Can I touch it?

"Are you sure?" Envy nodded. So he had Touya put the stone down on the floor. Envy touched it with a paw, but nothing happened. "Do you think it's just a rock? And we're being silly?"

Touya had no idea. Shoto made a decision. He wanted to make sure it was nothing or something. The suspense was killing him, the waiting and not knowing was torture. So he picked it up. Nothing happened. Shoto took a deep breath and took the glove off, holding it in his bare hand.

He let out a relieved sigh when nothing happened. He put it back in the box. "Do you believe me? I... the stone just seems like a weird rock, I have no proof," Shoto said in panic.

"Don't worry, Sho. I don't think you're crazy, I swear it." He held out a pinky. "But let's keep it our secret, okay?" He nodded and connected their pinkies. Touya's skin was so warm, just like Rei's was usually so cool. "Keep me updated?"

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