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-x- Izuku -x-

Shoto had been missing three days by now, and everyone was frantic. Touya had seen him run past his door, and there had been a note on the counter in his handwriting, saying he was on a walk. Envy was gone, too. Both were not seen anywhere. And the cameras on the neighbor's porches didn't show him even walk down the side walk. He just disappeared.

It was only Izuku and Touya that had wild conspiracies about where the hell he'd gone. He wasn't there. Many of his things weren't there either. Only a few outfits, so he couldn't be gone long.

Izuku was pacing back and forth in the yard. The police were searching for him, but Izuku could only think a portal had come, or he flew away, from the backyard, since he had not been in the house and had not gone out the front door.

He was halfway across the yard when a portal showed up, and Izuku saw Arceus there, accompanied by the monsters that nearly tore Shoto apart. Then he came out, jumping down. He waved to the portal, which closed, nothing to show it had ever been there. Shoto's eyes were a yellow color, gold looking.

When he saw Izuku, he beamed and ran forward hugging him tightly. Envy ran over and reunited with the other eeveelutions in the backyard. "Shoto... where did you go? What happened to your eyes? Why were they there?"

"How long has it been since I left?"

"Uh, three days." Shoto let out a small sigh of relief. "What were you doing?" He put his backpack down, and there were gold rings stuffed inside, looking like those that were around Arceus' waist. Something happened, he did something somewhere. With the god and his direct underlings. And those two hadn't been trying to kill him.

"I was training," he said simply.

"For how long?"

"A year. I'm glad not much time passed here." Izuku looked shocked, but really shouldn't be. "Arceus was training me, with help from Palkia and Dialga. They apologize about attacking you." Izuku's eyes were wide. Shoto was literally trained by the god pokemon directly. Shoto dug through his backpack, and looked in the book. Izuku noticed it was quite thicker than before.

Shoto also took out the gold rings, and clipped them around his wrists like bracelets before they shrunk and shrunk, squeezing his wrists before they melded into his skin, the gold looking like tattoos. "What's that?" Shoto hugged him again. It had only been a few days for Izuku, but a year for Shoto. Was he lonely? He had Envy, at least. And Arceus.

"They keep me from being like a pokemon. It was kind of hard not to. I got really strong there."

"Wait, you need help not being a pokemon?" Izuku demanded. Shoto nodded simply. He looked down at the bands on his wrists with a soft, soft smile.

"I'm really wanting food, I haven't had anything in a year," he said, and rushed inside. Rei was on the couch, looking frantic. She looked up when Shoto ran to hug her.

"Shoto! Where were you?!"

"I got lost on my walk." It was a complete lie, but Izuku saw her eyes go a bit distant. Then she was fine, and was just happy to see him. Izuku was positive Shoto just used a psychic ability to calm her or force her worry away. He used it so easily, and didn't even make a face. When he turned back around to run to the kitchen, his eyes were back to their gray and blue, no longer gold.

He got out the desserts in the fridge and then the food he'd missed for the last three days. Well, a year for him. He stuffed his face, eating it all, looking so happy to have food. Izuku was still disturbed by the fact his friend had been missing a year and it was only three days for him. He sat down next to him at the bar counter.

The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders (My Hero Academia x Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now