The Ball Starts Rolling

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-x- Izuku -x-

If the change in water levels was not proof enough for Izuku that Arceus' words were true, then seeing the scientific community freak out about the days getting shorter sure was. Nobody knew the reason. That stupid Dialga. Why kill Kyogre for something he could not control? It didn't sound like a mercy killing. That asshole had tried to kill Shoto and Izuku before. How did Shoto train with them for a year? Were they really that different when under Arceus' control?

Izuku was sitting on the bus, reading the explanations the world was begging for. Would it be better to tell the public why this was happening, or would it jus spur more panic, more questions, more pressing on Shoto? Izuku could tell he was feeling pretty down, so he was keeping him company as long as he could during the day. Texting until bed time. After all, he had all night to himself to fester.

Shoto was sitting in the waves, the shore receding heavily after Kyogre, who might be dead by now. Could Dialga swim? Did he even need to or did he just appear like a ghost? Izuku sat next to him. "How long have you been out here?" he asked, looking out at the sunset.

"Few hours," Shoto replied. He was quiet for a moment before he asked, "Even if I can do something about the shadow pokemon, what about the toll to the world? The death of Kyogre would fuck things over permanently. I have no idea if legendaries can be replaced since Suicune had a baby. Could another one fall into the niche Kyogre left?"

"I don't know. Every extinction event has new round legendary pokemon show up, right?" Shoto nodded. "Why can't Arceus just... I don't know, do something?"

"He can't stop the shadow pokemon because he didn't create that, doesn't know why it happens. He can't stop Dialga like this. Killing time... wouldn't that be dangerous? He can't control what he hasn't created, or by some extension. If the best idea he could come up with was me, then he has no ideas how to fix it himself."

Izuku leaned his head against Shoto's shoulder. "Part of me wants time to flow faster, but at the same time I wished it could freeze for another year. The tension is awful."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I'm not gonna crack again. But you gotta admit, it's scary, right? We know what's coming, but it just gets worse and worse. Will the days be screwed up permanently, now? Will it even matter, if everyone is dead in the end anyways?" He dug his toes into the sand. "Sorry our friendship is so serious. I'm sure having somebody more fun and less depressing would be good for you."

His voice was so matter of fact. "What kind of shit friend leaves when the other is going through a tough time?"

"A friend that cares about their own mental health. I hate you sacrificing yours for me," Shoto sighed. Izuku didn't know what to say, and was glad a pokemon came over to lift the mood. A spheal. "What the heck are you doing here?" Shoto asked in shock. "You should be way further south."

The little ice/water type pokemon wriggled in between them, butting Izuku's arm away. "He's trying to steal you from me."

"Nobody could steal me from you," Shoto joked. "Just give him a pass this time." Izuku smiled, and more spheals came out and surrounded Shoto. The way he was looking at them all one at a time showed he was speaking with them. Shoto always seemed so much more at ease surrounded by pokemon. Izuku was just one of two that he could be open around.

He really felt honored he was trusted so much by two people to hold two huge secrets. All Might's secret, and Shoto's. Izuku just let him spend some time with the wild pokemon. They really should not be in this area, they were ice type. They should be much further south. Weird. Maybe Kyogre messed something else up.

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