A Different Kind of Nightmare

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-x- Izuku -x-

Things were beyond awkward with Shoto at school. Izuku didn't know what to do. He hated this, but at the same time, he knew they needed a bit of space. They were both too involved with one another's lives. But those thoughts made him feel like shit, because best friends have to share everything. And Shoto had not. So did that make him a bad best friend? He left for a year and said nothing. Then acted like it was no big deal when he returned.

Honestly, he didn't know what to do about it. Touya was right. His words were harsh, but he was right. Izuku was unreasonable, and making everything about him and his pain. Shoto had said it wasn't all daisies and roses when he was away. Izuku needed to be away for both of their sakes. He couldn't be so deeply involved and he also didn't want to hear more about Shoto's time away. When he wasn't a partner with him.

Shoto floated up to a tall tree to eat his lunch, Envy not there today for some reason. Mitty was with him, and kept slapping his leg, in a non affectionate way. She was angry about him and Shoto not being together. He didn't need Shoto's translating to see the chikorita was angry and wanted him to fix things.

Izuku didn't, and he and Shoto ignored one another. They just didn't know how to make space without completely cutting off. After school, Shoto walked in a direction that wasn't home. Maybe because he'd be going the same direction as Izuku. He stood at the gates sadly before walking home to change and go to the junkyard. He had to be ready... ready to be a hero, not just Shoto's partner.

He did his best not to think about it, and was glad that All Might didn't comment on the other's absence. Izuku had nobody to heal him, nobody to silently encourage him. It was lonely. But he used the loneliness and anger at himself and Shoto and Arceus to spur his efforts that day. He went home, aching badly.

-x- Shoto -x-

Did you make up with your friend?

Not yet.

I'm sorry to hear that. Hey, what do you want to do with your quirks?

Shoto was glad she didn't press on the fight. She asked a simple question. Well, not super simple, but simple compared to Shoto's usual discussions. And he wasn't about to say it was to stop the end of the world.

A hero. I want to go to UA.

Wow! Me too! What kind of hero do you want to be? Rescue, fighting villains?

Idk yet. I'd probably do rescue. I don't like fighting. Pokemon are better than people sometimes.

Shit, he didn't mean to send that.

My quirk wouldn't be suited for fighting either. I don't know about the pokemon. I can't talk to them and all! For me, they're cute and friendly. What are they to you?

They're never mean. They're bright, and kind and innocent. All of the kind I've met. But for some strong ones...

Ooh, what kind of strong ones have you met?

He wanted to blend honesty into it. He'd been talking with Yaoyorozu daily for a week. When he hadn't been talking with Izuku at all. It wasn't like the text conversations lasted all day, and she often left the conversation for awhile and came back later. It was nice having it spaced out. He didn't feel pressure to tell her things, or lay his heart out.

Some legendaries.

Wow, really? Are you lying?

No. It's okay if you don't believe me.

Which have you met?

Celebi was my favorite. Xerneas was very pretty. The other ones were scary.

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