Terrible Power

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-x- Izuku -x-

Izuku already had an idea of what would happen based on the art he'd seen. It was just art, but most of what Shoto would draw were realistic and rarely imaginative. So those dark pokemon fully colored drawings struck Izuku as truth. Then there was the fact he'd been told, whatever happened, would happen with no way to prevent it. And that it had happened before and was generally not good.

He understood why Shoto took the information from him, and hadn't told Touya the extent of what would come. This journey he'd been on eight years, and would stretch to eleven. Izuku wanted to share it with him in every way he could. He wanted to be his support, someone he could openly speak to.

Just as Shoto had matured to stand up for himself, Izuku was not so scared of the world. And there was nothing anyone could do to stop whatever was to come. Shoto had to be ready, and having someone to talk to would benefit him. Izuku wanted to support him in every way possible.

After Shoto outed himself for his burn, and offered up the cruel nickname, Izuku had been sadly shocked. He should have expected him to do that, but he didn't know that someone could be so truly loyal, to sabotage themselves like that without a second thought. Without any hesitation whatsoever. It was deeply touching.

When he was walking to Shoto's house, he came across something odd. No, not odd, alarming. The mega charizard that belonged to All Might was stuck in a thick muck that was swallowing him like quicksand. It wasn't an actual muk, but what looked like some pit. Where was All Might to help his pokemon partner?

Shoto had rubbed off on him. Izuku acted immediately, throwing his bag down and sprinting down to the drowning charizard. He looked around for anything, and saw a large branch. The charizard was a little taller than Izuku but had to weigh a lot more. Izuku got the stick and started to stir the muck the charizard was trapped in, trying to loosen it up.

"Grab onto that ledge! Hold tight!" It was very lucky pokemon could understand humans. Izuku took the branch, running and having the strain of the stick in the thick mud was making his arms burn and tremble from the effort. When the charizard had a good grip, Izuku scraped the stick along the scaly skin to try and loosen the stuff. The grip got firmer, and Izuku managed to scraped the muck downhill into the sewers. Shoto should purify that stuff, it stunk and was going to pollute the water.

When the charizard came out, Izuku let out a deep breath in relief. He fell on his butt, utterly exhausted. His arms were feeling so heavy and his back hurt from the effort. Then All Might arrived, far too late to be fashionable. He saw the mega charizard covered in black goo, and the kid panting.

"What happened?" All Might asked.

"He... got stuck in the mud... and couldn't get out."

"Then you helped him?" Izuku nodded. "Thank you. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help. Is your friend around?"

"No, just me this time," Izuku said. Of course All Might was more focused on Shoto. He was the one able to speak to pokemon. And so much more. At least All Might recognized him in some way. "Just me..." he sighed. He stood up on shaking legs, picked up his backpack, and then hurried away, tears in his eyes. Not of pride, but of shame.

If he had a quirk, he could have possibly done more, gotten it done faster and more efficiently. He was only thankful for his quick thinking. He was glad to have saved the number one hero's partner, though. All Might's work might have been impacted from grief. And that charizard helped save a lot of people.

When Izuku ended up at Shoto's house, the sprinklers were going off in the yard with the eeveelutions all laying in lumps, letting the cool water rain down on them. It was a funny scene. He wished Mitty liked leaving the house more, and was like Envy who was with Shoto everywhere he went. Even on the top of a mountain in Norway.

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