yeonjun and beomgyu's playlist :
This is the official playlist that is used in the story !
The school parking lot was half empty, only a few cars were standing randomly distributed, waiting for their owner to come back. Yeonjun had his hands tightly clasped around the steering wheel, trying to concentrate on the trees moving back and forth in unison. His car stood still in the parking lot, the ignition key rubbed against his leg and the silence was louder than anything else. He tried not to turn on the music, wanted to persevere for a few minutes without it but the loud noise inside his head was furiating.
He wondered how long he could bear with the noise until he rammed his head against the steering wheel, until he couldn't see the trees anymore and until his hands exploded from the tight grip. Yeonjun tried it so often without music and every time the opposite gets proven, that he couldn't do it, that he couldn't endure it.
Yeonjun heard the trunk of his car opening and a dull noise as something got thrown inside. He looked in the front mirror and saw the trunk getting closed by Beomgyu, who had a concentrated look on his face. Beomgyu walked around the car and opened the passenger door, casually sat himself down on the passenger seat and looked out the front window with slightly furrowed brows.
"How long did you wait?"
"Three hours." Beomgyu swung his head around to look at Yeonjun with a shocked gaze.
"Why is your school schedule that short?" Yeonjun smiled at him amused.
"I have a math lesson in a few minutes but you didn't hear that from me." He chuckled over to Beomgyu and the corner of his lips went up a little before Beomgyu looked out the front window again.
"Is the song selection appropriate for you?" Beomgyu then asked Yeonjun and looked over to his phone that was placed in a phone holder right above the radio. The radio seemed newly installed, something that wouldn't be seen in an old car like Yeonjun's.
"I didn't get to look at it yet but I'm sure it's alright."
"No need to assure me. It's part of the deal that I get to choose fifty percent of the songs, I don't care if you like my songs or not." Beomgyu fixed his glasses while looking over at Yeonjun. He smiled at himself amused and turned the car keys. A loud growling was heard from the bonnet and Yeonjun drove out of the parking lot.
"Why did you ask then?"
They drove away from the school and through the city. Beomgyu watched the people walk down the pedestrian walkway but they were easily getting overtaken by the car he was sitting in. The radio played the music that Yeonjun and Beomgyu had put together into a playlist. Beomgyu could see the name of the song that came out of the speaker right now. It was one of the songs he put into the playlist.
"Oh, I forgot to give you the map." Beomgyu bent over to his backpack, which he brought with him to the passenger seat, and rummaged around in it.
"I don't need it, I know how to get to Ratport City."
"But I marked down some stopovers." Beomgyu pouted at the map he was holding in his hand and looked at the dots that represented the intermediate stops he wanted to visit.
"These stopovers can't be that interesting. I know this place in and out, there isn't anything you would want to see." Yeonjun chuckled, his hand calmly holding the steering wheel.
"Ok. And what's with the world's largest bottle of shampoo?" Beomgyu asked and leaned his head towards Yeonjun with an expectant, know-it-all gaze.
"That shit doesn't exist." Yeonjun replied in disbelief, looking back and forth to Beomgyu and the road before him. Beomgyu light handedly pulled out a brochure and held it up in the air. Yeonjun grabbed it out of Beomgyu's hand quickly, making Beomgyu flinch a little, and looked at the front page of the brochure. There was a picture of a large bottle of shampoo in the middle of nowhere printed on it with the caption:

At The End Of The World Together Forever // TOMORROW X TOGETHER [BeomJun]
Fanfiction"Why did you ask me to come with you?" Beomgyu asked him again with a low voice. It was still questionable for him, they weren't friends. Yeonjun had to hold back his smile. "Because you don't ask these kinds of questions." It was partially true. "B...