~~ Quick Note ~~

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Hello everyone! I'm so excited to finally share this story with you all. It's been in the works for over 4 years, and I finally started seriously working on it last year. The plot and some of the characters are from roleplays I was in several years ago. I have the entire character list (start to finish), timeline, and summary all completed. I will start writing out the actual chapters soon, so keep an eye out for them! I'll be posting updates weekly.

Disclaimer: Although I'm not using any specific details they've written, all credit goes to Erin Hunter for providing the Warriors universe and character/clan ideas. In addition, all art was made by nightthekitten on DA and Patreon. Thank you!!

This story does contain depictions of depression, PTSD, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. If this is something that triggers you, please keep this in mind as you read. I will provide warnings for such content at the top of any chapters containing this material.

I can't wait to get this journey started with all of you! Please enjoy!

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