Chapter 5

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Hurry up!

Rainpaw was pacing the clearing next to Amberpaw. Today was their first assessment. Roseheart and Smokepelt had agreed that their apprentices were ready. The tortoiseshell's paws were itching to get moving. It was a hunting assessment, which was one of Rainpaw's strengths. She wasn't the best fighter, but she loved to hunt.

At long last, their mentors finally arrived, followed by Lionshadow and a few other clanmates. "Alright," Roseheart mewed, "We've recruited a few apprentices to make two teams. Each of you will be leading your own team. We've divided your teammates as evenly as possible to make sure no one has an unfair advantage. Smokepelt, Lionshadow, and I will be watching you, but you won't be able to see us."

Smokepelt flicked his tail at Amberpaw. "You'll be working with Tumblepaw and Creekpaw. I hope you can learn some leadership skills during this assessment, since you need to learn how to be more assertive. I'm sure your teammates will be easy to work with." Amberpaw nodded and took his place next to Creekpaw and Tumblepaw.

Roseheart beckoned Batpaw and Sproutpaw over. "Rainpaw, you'll be working with these two. Your hunting skills are great, but you need to learn more patience and teamwork." Rainpaw nodded, trying to hide her frustration. Ugh! Great. Sproutpaw is fine, obviously, but now I'm stuck with Batpaw, who is probably the most annoying cat in existence! She's a terrible hunter because she's too impulsive and loud. Regardless, there was nothing she could do about it, so Rainpaw held her tongue, praying to StarClan that the assessment would still go well.

Lionshadow sent Amberpaw's group to the pine forest near the EagleClan border and Rainpaw's group to the mountainous region. Rainpaw felt a burst of confidence. It was often difficult to hunt in the rocky, northern part of SnowClan territory. There weren't many trees or shrubs to use for cover. They also needed to watch out for hawks and eagles, which could easily carry off even the largest warriors. If you weren't watching where you put your paws, you could walk off a cliff! The fact that the deputy was sending Rainpaw's group there must mean he trusted them to succeed!

"Ready, set, go!" Lionshadow's mew echoed through the forest.

Rainpaw led her companions to the northern edge of the territory. "Alright," she mewed, "Our goal is five pieces of prey. If we can get more, that's even better." Sproutpaw nodded, but Batpaw just rolled her eyes. Rainpaw ignored her sour attitude and focused her senses on the surrounding area. Her green gaze flicked forward as the scent of prey filled her nose. A mountain hare was nibbling on some grass a few fox-lengths ahead. She flicked her tail to alert her companions and the two she-cats fell into place behind Rainpaw.

The tortoiseshell stalked forward, remembering to keep her belly low. When she was close enough, she gestured for the others to cover her. As soon as they were in position, she bounded forward. The hare saw her coming and scrambled away. She flicked out a paw to trip it up and her claws caught its haunches. It's so strong! Sproutpaw and Batpaw quickly jumped in to block any chance of escape. With their help, Rainpaw finally pinned it and snapped its neck. The hare fell still and Rainpaw sat back, panting. "Thanks," she mewed. The trio continued hunting for a while, and by sunhigh, they had added three voles, a rabbit, and a thrush to their small prey pile. Batpaw had gone after a squirrel, but she was too noisy. It had run up a pine tree before she could get her claws on it.

Eventually, Lionshadow and Roseheart step out from behind some bushes. "Well done," the deputy mewed, "Rainpaw you did an excellent job communicating with your teammates in spite of a few...frustrating moments." The dark gray tom gave Batpaw a stern look and she shuffled her paws. Roseheart nodded in agreement with him. "You're already an outstanding hunter, Rainpaw. A hare is difficult for even the most experienced warriors, so the fact that a few apprentices were able to catch one is something to be proud of." Rainpaw grinned, feeling warmed by her mentor's praise.

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