Chapter 15

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"Congratulations!" Rainsong purred, touching her nose to Hollystem's ear. The black she-cat was beaming. "Thanks! I'm so excited, and maybe a little nervous!" Amberblaze curled his fluffy tail over her back. "You'll be fine!" He insisted, "You're the strongest she-cat I know, and we'll have the best kits in the whole forest!" He pressed his muzzle against hers, purring loudly.

Rainsong watched them, feeling pleased for her brother and his mate. She had kept her distance from Amberblaze since their argument. Things were still tense between them, and she definitely didn't appreciate the offended, suspicious looks he cast in her direction every now and again. Still, their quarrel could never dampen her happiness for her brother as he began fretting over his mate. Hollystem gave Rainsong an exasperated look as the reddish-brown tom ushered her towards the nursery.

Rainsong purred in amusement at the sight. I wonder how long she'll put up with his worrying over her, she thought as they disappeared inside the den, Hollystem is a very independent she-cat. She'll probably claw his ears off by the time the kits come!

Speaking of the nursery, Meadowfrost's kits had finally arrived, and Rainsong found herself unintentionally following Amberblaze and Hollystem to the nursery. She ducked inside and her eyes instantly locked on the three tiny bundles at Meadowfrost's side. They'd been born a quarter moon ago. She still couldn't believe how cute they were. Little copies of their parents, with their eyes and ears still closed. They let out high-pitched squeaks as they searched for milk at their mother's flank.

Meadowfrost looked up as Rainsong approached. "How are you?" she asked with a purr, shifting a bit so her new litter could have easier access to suckle. Rainsong crouched next to her nest, watching the kits admiringly. "Good, Amberblaze and Hollystem just gave me the news. More kits!"

The calico queen smiled gently. "The clan is growing again. That's a good sign. Kits are a blessing." She wrinkled her nose playfully. "I can't believe I'm going to be in the nursery with my grandkits!"

Rainsong rolled her eyes. "You're not old, they're just having kits early is all," she mewed. They looked up as Bearstrike's large tabby form pushed through the nursery entrance. He dropped a thrush at his mate's paws and laid beside her. Rainsong flashed him an affectionate look. "Have you named them yet?" she asked, still watching the kits. Bearstrike nodded. "We wanted to wait a bit until we came up with the perfect names for them," he explained.

The brown tabby touched his tail to the cream and gray she-kit's back. "This is Mousekit," he began. "And this is Quailkit," he mewed, resting his tail on the brown and ginger she-kit. Rainsong's attention shifted to the remaining kit, a black and white tom. "And him?" she queried. Bearstrike gazed at his mate, waiting for her to speak.

Meadowfrost's eyes flashed with sadness and love. "Slatekit, after your father," she mewed. Rainsong was touched. Her mother didn't speak too often of her first mate. It was too painful.

"Those are great names," she purred.

As she finished speaking, Moonblaze padded into the nursery with a mouthful of herbs. "These are for you, Meadowfrost," he mewed, dropping his herb bundle at the queen's paws. Meadowfrost lapped them up without complaint and didn't even make a face at the bitter taste. "Thank you Moonblaze, you're a terrific medicine cat," she purred affectionately. Moonblaze shuffled his paws shyly. "Just happy to help," he mewed, backing out of the den.

Rainsong jumped as an irritated mew came from the opposite side of the den. She'd nearly forgotten that Hollystem and Amberblaze were in the den too. 

"Ugh," growled Hollystem as Amberblaze added more feathers to her already-overflowing nest. "Honestly Amberblaze, I'm fine," she insisted, swatting him away. "I don't even need to be in the nursery yet, mouse-brain!" Rainsong purred in amusement. Hollystem would patrol and hunt until the moment she gives birth if she could! I'd bet she'll try to make Amberblaze stay in the nursery while she goes on patrols!

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