Chapter 12

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Wait for it...and POUNCE!

Rainpaw's claws met their mark, and she killed the mouse with a swift bite. Perfect! Only two more pieces of prey to go!  She clawed some earth over her catch to save it for later and continued her hunt. Normally hunting came easily to the tortoiseshell apprentice, but today her nerves were all over the place. She had to do well; her warrior ceremony was at stake!

Somewhere nearby, Roseheart was surely watching her progress. I hope she's proud of me! Rainpaw's ears pricked as the undergrowth rustled nearby and she froze, spotting a sparrow pecking at the forest floor. She got into a hunter's crouch and stalked forward. As she gathered herself to pounce, a twig snapped nearby, and the bird let out an alarm call. Mouse-dung! She leapt at the sparrow just as it lifted itself into the air. Her claws grazed its wings, but it escaped her grasp. "Ugh I should've had it!" she hissed, lashing her tail angrily.

By some miracle of StarClan, her lashing tail disturbed a nearby bush that had two shrews hiding underneath. They darted out, dashing under Rainpaw in their panic. Quick as lightning, she snapped the closest one's neck and gave chase to the second. It was heading for the safety of a nearby snow pile. She managed to cut it off and deliver a killing bite.

"Wow, talk about a quick recovery!"

Rainpaw whirled around to see the dark gray form of Roseheart jumping down from a nearby oak tree. The tortoiseshell gave a purr at the sight of her mentor. "Thanks! I was really worried for a second." Roseheart shook her head. "Nothing to worry about! You've already proven yourself more than worthy of a warrior name." Rainpaw curled her tail in delight at the praise. "Come on," mewed Roseheart, "Let's grab your catches and get back to camp, I'm sure the others are waiting."

Rainpaw could hardly contain her excitement as they returned to the SnowClan camp. She dropped her mouse onto the fresh-kill pile, quickly followed by Roseheart with the two shrews. Smokepelt and Amberpaw caught up to them, and Rainpaw could tell from her brother's excited expression that his assessment must have gone well too.

Roseheart split off to join Smokepelt and the two warriors padded towards Snowstar's den. Rainpaw grinned at Amberpaw. "How did it go? I missed a sparrow, but everything else went fine!" Her brother butted his head against her shoulder affectionately. "That's great! Smokepelt said I passed too!" Rainpaw grinned at him, excited.

Meadowfrost padded slowly towards them, leaning on Bearstrike's shoulder. "I take it your assessments went well?" She was weak, and her voice was still raspy from the greencough her body had fought off, but her leaf-green eyes were bright and she was recovering quickly. Bearstrike always watched over Meadowfrost, and it was obvious that they were officially mates. The brown tabby tom rarely left her side, and his eyes glowed whenever she was with him. Rainsong suppressed a purr of amusement as she saw that look in Bearstrike's eyes now.

Just then, Snowstar appeared from her den, followed by their mentors. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join me beneath the SnowRock for a clan meeting!" she yowled. Her voice was strong, with no sign of the greencough that had taken one of her lives.

Rainpaw gave her pelt a quick grooming before hurrying over. Amberpaw, of course, was right at her side. She felt a quick rush of affection for her brother. He's the most loyal cat I know. He'll be an awesome warrior. Just like me!

She felt a rush of nostalgia as she stood in front of the SnowRock, looking up at Snowstar. She thought back to her apprentice ceremony. The excitement she'd felt back then was the same excitement she felt now, but this time it felt even stronger. She couldn't help the purr of satisfaction that bubbled up inside her.

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