Chapter 16

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A light rain fell in the forest. It was dark, and foggy. Clouds covered an empty sky. Rainsong huddled under a spruce tree, squinting her eyes through the drizzle. Not the greatest weather to be out in, but she'd promised to meet Skyfall at the new moon, which was tonight. She shook out her damp tortoiseshell pelt and shifted her paws. It wasn't cold, but she'd become stiff after sitting in the same spot for a while.

She looked around again. Skyfall still wasn't here. She hadn't gotten a chance to speak with him in the quarter-moon since discovering her pregnancy. Thankfully, the clan still didn't know about it, other than Moonblaze and Creeksplash.

It was very frustrating to keep the news of the pregnancy to herself. She wanted other cats to share her joy. She was so excited to become a mother, and she knew Skyfall would be proud to become a father. Their kits were going to be perfect. They were going to bring them closer than ever.

She let out a sigh, resting her head on her paws. If he was going to take his time getting here tonight, then she was going to relax. He'll show up eventually. He always does. She closed her eyes, letting the rain lull her into a light sleep.

The sound of rustling bushes and snapping twigs woke her up. She stood, tail waving excitedly as Skyfall pushed his way into view. She bounded over to him. "I was worried you weren't coming," she confessed, giving his cheek a lick. Skyfall shrugged and gave her a grin. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" Rainsong purred. "Yes, you are."

She could hardly hold back the news. "I have something to tell you!" she mewed, excitement swirling in her belly. Skyfall shifted his paws, looking uncharacteristically uncomfortable. Immediately, Rainsong noticed something was off. "Are you okay?"

The gray tom shook his head. "Oh, I'm fine, just...tired is all." Rainsong studied him for a moment. His pelt was twitching uncomfortably, like it was crawling with ants. She tried to meet his eye, but he wouldn't look at her. Instead, his gaze seemed to be looking everywhere except her face. She frowned. Something's up.

The rain began falling harder and Skyfall flicked his tail. "You should go," he mewed lowly, his voice colder than usual. Wait, he wants me to leave? Rainsong shook her head. "I can't leave yet! I have something to tell you--"

As she spoke, his eyes focused on something behind her, and she turned to see what he was looking at. It was dark, and the fog didn't help visibility either. Wait. Was there movement? She squinted, trying to see better, but couldn't focus on anything specific.

And then there was a scent. EagleClan. But it was strong. Stronger than just Skyfall's scent, which she was used to by this point. They were next to the border, which had obviously been marked earlier in the day. But this was the SnowClan side of the border. There shouldn't be this much EagleClan scent here!

She finally caught movement out of the corner of her eye. A shape, slinking through the trees. But wait, there was another one. And then two more! Suddenly the whole clearing was surrounded by dark shapes, stinking of EagleClan. She began to turn towards Skyfall again.

"I'm sorry Rainsong."

What in the name of StarClan..?

The next few moments were fuzzy, distorted. She saw claws flash towards her face, and then there was pain. So much pain. She stumbled backwards, holding her paw against her now-bloody cheek. For a moment, Rainsong couldn't tell where it came from. But as the adrenaline kicked in, she managed to return her focus to Skyfall. His warm, no... cold amber eyes met her shocked green ones. 

"What the... Skyfall?" she managed to stutter. What the hell is happening? Surely I'm just imagining it. This is a cruel nightmare. Skyfall would never hit me! He loves me! It had to be someone else!

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