Chapter 9

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Every leaf-bare, SnowClan held its annual Frost Festival. Everyone had been buzzing with excitement for the last several days as preparations were made. Rainpaw hadn't experienced the festival yet, but she couldn't wait. Nearly every patrol had been dedicated to hunting for the last two days, which meant that the fresh-kill pile was full. Rainpaw was sharing prey with Amberpaw and Skypaw near the apprentices' den.

"Are you excited?" Rainpaw asked between bites, "I know I am!" Amberpaw nodded. "Yeah! It's gonna be so fun!" Skypaw tilted his head. "I'm confused. What exactly is the Frost Festival?" Rainpaw shrugged. "We were born right after the last one, so we haven't been able to experience it yet. But Roseheart said that it's a big celebration that only SnowClan celebrates because we thrive in the cold, snowy weather."

Skypaw shook his head. "I figured that much out, but do you know what happens? I thought someone said there was a ceremony... or something?" Rainpaw shrugged. "Sort of. Once we finish patrolling for the day, Snowstar will dismiss everyone from duties and hold a clan meeting. She will send every able-bodied cat out to find a gift for someone they really care about." The tortoiseshell shuffled her paws nervously. "Roseheart said she and Crowflight became mates at a Frost Festival. It's not just for mates though. You can give a gift to a friend or family member too. At moonhigh, everyone gathers together and exchanges their gifts. After that, we eat and share tongues before bedtime. Normal duties resume the next day."

"Amberpaw!" The three cats looked up as Smokepelt trotted over. "We're going on a border patrol with Heatherdust and Hollypaw." Amberpaw's face lit up. "Great! See you guys later!" Rainpaw watched as he trotted away and then turned back to Skypaw. The gray tom smirked at her. "So... Is this tradition just for SnowClan cats?"

Wait, does he want to participate? 

Rainpaw blushed. "Um..." Her words escaped her and Skypaw's signature cocky grin flashed across his face. Great StarClan, get ahold of yourself Rainpaw! The tortoiseshell rolled her eyes and looked away. "I mean, SnowClan is the only clan to celebrate it, but there's no rule that says other cats can't participate, so I don't see why not." Skypaw's amber eyes lit up mischievously. Before he could reply, Snowstar's yowl echoed across the camp. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join me beneath the SnowRock for a clan meeting!"

The white she-cat was sitting on the SnowRock, waiting patiently. Rainpaw padded over, settling down in the middle of the crowd next to Hollypaw and Creekpaw. Once everyone arrived, Snowstar raised her tail for silence. "SnowClan, it's time for our leaf-bare Frost Festival! It's a time of truce and friendship. It's a day respected, but not celebrated, by the other clans." She turned her icy blue gaze on Skypaw, who had sat down next to Creekpaw. "Of course, if a cat from another clan would like to participate, they are always welcome." Skypaw dipped his head respectfully. "Thank you Snowstar."

Snowstar gave him a nod, turning to the group of apprentices. "For some of us, this is the first Frost Festival we can participate in. I know you're all very excited." Rainpaw grinned. Sharkpaw and Thunderpaw were exchanging excited whispers and a few apprentices cheered. Snowstar let out an amused purr. "Settle down, there's plenty of time to chat when I've finished!" Sharkpaw gave the white she-cat a sheepish smile. "Heh, sorry," he mewed.

"Anyways," continued Snowstar, "I will briefly go over today's activities so that every cat knows what will be going on. Once this meeting is over, you're all dismissed from duties for the rest of the day. Then you have the opportunity to go out and find a gift for another cat. It's your gift and your choice of who to give it to. It can be a friend, mate, kin, or whichever you choose. You don't have to exchange a gift if you don't want to, but I highly encourage everyone to participate! Once you've found your gift, come back to camp and wait. Once everyone has returned, we will have a gift exchange and end the night by eating together and sharing tongues. Any questions?" No one responded, so Snowstar flicked her tail. "Then you're all dismissed to go find your gifts! Be back at camp by dusk!"

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