Chapter 7

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Suggested eating disorder/abuse**

Rainpaw padded into the medicine den carrying a bluebird. I can't believe I have to keep doing this... Skypaw was sitting up in his nest, grooming his chest fur. He looked up as she walked in, and his amber eyes immediately went to the bird in her jaws. "Is that for me?" he asked hopefully. Rainpaw nodded, tossing it to him. He caught it and began plucking the feathers out.

Rainpaw quickly began to back out of the den, but Skypaw looked up. "Wait!" The tortoiseshell paused, glancing at him. I'd rather be anywhere else. The gray tom picked at the bird self-consciously. "Will you stay? I don't really know anyone else here yet and it would be nice to have the company." Rainpaw didn't know what to say. Did she actually want to stay with him while he ate? Not really. But still, it would be rude to refuse...

"I guess," she mewed, padding awkwardly back over to him. He nudged the bluebird towards her. "Want to share?" The tortoiseshell shrugged. "Okay." She crouched next to him and took a small bite before passing it back. "Hey," mewed Skypaw, "Thanks for helping me out the past few days." Rainpaw shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure. Otterfoot said he could use the help, so why not?" Skypaw didn't answer and took another bite of the bird.

A soft snore broke the awkward silence and Rainpaw turned to see Cricketsong peacefully asleep in a nest. His shoulder had been healing more slowly than Otterfoot and Moonpaw had hoped, so they had confined the gray tom to their den until further notice. Cricketsong didn't seem to mind. He and Moonpaw had become good friends.

Skypaw sighed and Rainpaw returned her attention to him. "Honestly, this injury couldn't have happened at a worse time," he said, a frustrated edge to his voice. Rainpaw tipped her head. "Why?" Skypaw shrugged. "I was supposed to have my warrior assessment later that day. The stupid badger ruined it!" He growled, lashing his tail.

Rainpaw was surprised that she felt sorry for him. It must be hard to be so close only to have your biggest dream ruined. At least his leg will heal, so it could be way worse. "Hey, cheer up," she mewed, nudging his shoulder, "You'll be out of here soon enough and get your warrior name. I mean, it's not like you messed up." 

The gray tom flashed her a small smile. "Thanks." He opened his mouth to say something else, but the sound of another cat approaching made him cut off. Batpaw entered the den with a blank look on her face. Since her father's accidental death, the black she-cat had become a shell of her former self. She rarely spoke, her fur was unkempt, and her yellow eyes were dull. 

Otterfoot appeared from the back of the den and Rainpaw jumped. He was back there the whole time?? Goodness, where have I been? She heard Skypaw stifle a chuckle and nudged him hard in the ribs. "Shut up," she hissed. Otterfoot tilted his head at Batpaw. "Are you okay?" The black she-cat shrugged, pointing to her ear. "Had an accident while battle training."

Rainpaw's stomach flipped when she noticed the long V-shaped tear in the apprentice's ear. The wound was still bleeding. Otterfoot quickly put together a poultice and spread it along the tear before binding it with cobwebs. Batpaw didn't move a muscle the entire time. Otterfoot stepped in front of her, making direct eye contact. "What really happened?"

Batpaw didn't respond for a few heartbeats. Eventually she flicked her tail and looked away. "Got caught in some brambles, that's all." She pushed past Otterfoot and stalked out of the den. Otterfoot sighed before returning to the back of the den to sort herbs. Rainpaw exchanged a look with Skypaw, who looked just as puzzled as she felt. "That was weird," she mewed.

Rainpaw took another bite and stood up. "Thanks for sharing," she mewed, padding towards the den entrance. Skypaw grinned at her. "Anytime. It's always a pleasure to have such a pretty she-cat for company." Rainpaw fought the urge to bolt out of the den. "Um...thanks?" she mewed awkwardly before padding into the camp clearing.

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