Chapter 14

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Things hadn't gotten better, no matter what Skyfall had said. It seemed like EagleClan made a new border or caused another skirmish every day, and it was exhausting. Rainsong let out a sigh. Snowstar had Smokepelt assigning more frequent border patrols, and everyone was exhausted.

This was her second hunting patrol today, and she, Swiftclaw, and Sharkfin were padding home with their catches. Swiftclaw stopped suddenly, lashing his tail. "EagleClan is going to feel my claws if they keep pushing borders like this," he growled, dropping his mouse. Sharkfin snorted. "Save some EagleClan pelts for me to shred, at least," he joked.

Rainsong shifted her paws uncomfortably.  "We should probably keep heading back," she suggested, starting to pad towards camp again. If either tom disagreed, they thankfully kept quiet about it and followed her home.

The camp was bustling with cats. She noticed Heatherdust and Creeksplash sharing tongues near the fresh-kill pile and waved her tail at them as she passed by. She dropped off her freshly caught squirrel and traded it out for two voles before crossing the clearing to the nursery. As she ducked through the entrance, a warm, milky scent greeted her, and she was briefly reminded of her own time in the nursery with Amberblaze. 

"Rainsong!" A tiny silver kit ran towards her. She smiled, purring. "Hello, Cheetahkit," she mewed, touching noses with her. The kit giggled. "I knew you'd come see me today! Mom said so!" The tortoiseshell glanced over at Roseheart, who was watching from half-closed eyes. As her daughter spoke, she sat up a bit. "She's been asking about you all day," she purred, giving Cheetahkit an affectionate look.

Rainsong winked at her before turning to Cheetahkit again. "Well, how could I forget about the best kit in the whole nursery?" The silver tabby crouched, aiming to pounce on Rainsong's tail. "I'm the only kit in the nursery, silly!" Rainsong twitched her tail and Cheetahkit followed it. She wiggled her haunches and pounced. Rainsong winced as tiny, needle-sharp claws pricked her tail and whisked it away before the kit could do further damage.

Meadowheart, who was relaxing near the backside of the den let out an amused purr. "You won't be the only one for much longer, Cheetahkit," she mewed, curling her tail over her rounded belly, "You'll have denmates soon."

Cheetahkit gave an excited leap. "I know! I'm so excited! It's so booooring being the only kit!" She batted a paw at a nearby moss ball. "Want to play, Rainsong?" The tortoiseshell reluctantly shook her head. "I wish I could, but I came to drop these off and say hi really fast," she mewed, gesturing to the voles she'd set down. "I have to make sure Smokepelt doesn't need me to go out again today."

Cheetahkit's tail drooped. "Aw, okay." Rainsong gave her a nuzzle. "Don't worry. I'll try to come back later, okay?" At that, the kit brightened a bit. "Okay! Bye Rainsong!"

As Cheetahkit turned her attention to the moss ball once again, Rainsong pushed the voles towards the two queens. Roseheart sighed, taking a bite of her vole. "She's quite the pawful," the gray she-cat mewed, "But I love every second." Rainsong touched her nose to her former mentor's ear. "The Clans better watch out for that one," she joked. Roseheart chuckled. "No kidding."

Meadowfrost poked her vole but didn't take a bite. "Are you okay?" Rainsong asked, padding over. The calico she-cat shook her head. "Oh, I'm fine! Just not very hungry lately. These kits take up so much room in there that they barely leave me with an appetite." Rainsong wasn't convinced. "Are you sure? I could get Otterfoot or Moon--" "No, I promise I'm fine," Meadowfrost insisted.

"Moonblaze was just in here earlier with herbs for us," Roseheart cut in, chewing. Rainsong sighed, twitching her tail nervously. "Okay, if you say so." She shot her mother a stern look. "But promise you'll send for someone if anything feels weird."

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