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SnowClan Allegiances

Leader: Snowstar – A fluffy, pure white she-cat with icy blue eyes

Deputy: Lionshadow – Huge, thick-furred black and gray tom with an overbite and yellow eyes

Medicine Cat: Otterfoot – Scrawny brown tom with sage green eyes and an unkempt pelt

Warriors: Smokepelt – Dark gray tom with blue-green eyes

Swiftclaw – Scarred white tom with black patches and sharp yellow eyes

Crowflight – Long-furred black tom with yellow eyes and a white muzzle and chest

Apprentice: Cricketpaw

Roseheart – Large, fluffy, dark gray she-cat with pale blue eyes

Honeymist – Brown and white tabby she-cat with one blue eye and one yellow eye

Apprentice: Sproutpaw

Softpetal – Ginger and white she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice: Tumblepaw

Falcontail – Scruffy ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes and a white throat

Scarletmoon – Golden tabby she-cat with a black-spotted pelt and amber eyes

Bearstrike – Large, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Apprentices: Cricketpaw – Dark gray tom with green eyes

Sproutpaw – Dark gray tabby she-cat with blue-green eyes

Tumblepaw – Golden-brown she-cat with a spotted pelt and blue-green eyes

Queens: Meadowfrost – Very fluffy dilute calico she-cat with leaf-green eyes (Nursing Slate's kits: Rainkit – mostly black tortoiseshell and white she-cat with leaf-green eyes, and Amberkit – reddish-brown tom with leaf-green eyes)

Heatherdust – Wiry, pale brown she-cat with hazel eyes and a white belly (Nursing Lionshadow's kits: Batkit – tall black she-cat with yellow eyes, Creekkit – light brown tabby tom with a pale underbelly and hazel eyes, Sharkkit – large silver tabby tom with yellow eyes and an overbite, and Moonkit – light gray tabby tom with pale stripes, a white chest, and bright blue eyes

Finchbreeze – Long-furred, pale brown and white she-cat with bright blue eyes (Expecting Swiftclaw's kits)

Elders: Sagebreeze – Dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and amber eyes

Jaggedbite – Big brown tabby tom with an overbite and yellow eyes

Dreamgaze – Light gray she-cat with a fluffy, spotted pelt and scarred, blind blue eyes

Darkblossom – Scrawny black she-cat with long, graying fur and golden eyes (Oldest cat in the Clans)

Eagleclan Allegiances

Leader: Wildstar – Huge, battle-scarred brown tabby tom with a scruffy pelt and one amber eye

Deputy: Splitgaze – White tom with black patches, one blue eye, and one yellow eye

Medicine Cat: Maplefrost – Light brown tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and pale green eyes

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Juniperpaw

Warriors: Fadingsky – Long-furred black tabby tom with a pale belly and amber eyes

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