Chapter 4

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the SnowRock!"

Rainpaw lifted her head, letting out a tired yawn. She and Roseheart had been practicing battle moves the day before and her muscles ached. The tortoiseshell apprentice had worked as hard as she could the last two moons. She definitely felt stronger, even if her body was sore after every session. She forced herself to sit up and padded out of the den.

Many cats were still making their way over to Snowstar, who was waiting patiently as usual. She heard a yawn behind her and turned around to see Amberpaw blinking sleep from his eyes. She nudged him. "Come on lazypaws, Snowstar is waiting!" They padded to a nice, shaded spot not far from the SnowRock to wait.

Eventually, Heatherdust and Lionshadow made their way to the front of the crowd, their four kits bouncing around in excitement. Oh, right, thought Rainpaw, they turned six moons old today. She looked over at Amberpaw and saw him falling asleep again. She nudged him sharply in the ribs and he quickly sat up, pretenting as if he had been wide awake the entire time. She stifled a laugh and turned back to where Snowstar was starting the ceremony.

"Batkit, Creekkit, Sharkkit, and Moonkit," Snowstar began, "You're now six moons old and are ready to become apprentices. From this point until you become warriors, you will be known as Batpaw, Creekpaw, Sharkpaw, and Moonpaw." The white she-cat went on to assign Scarletmoon to Creekpaw, Falcontail to Sharkpaw, and Swiftclaw to Batpaw. As she finished, a brief murmur passed through the assembled cats. Batpaw stood by Swiftclaw, looking very proud of herself for having such a fierce warrior as a mentor.

Rainpaw exchanged a look with Amberpaw. "Are you surprised too?" She asked him. He nodded. "I didn't expect Snowstar to give him an apprentice so soon after his outburst when Finchbreeze died," he mewed. Rainpaw shivered. "I hope Snowstar knows what she's doing. Batpaw is very confident. I hope he doesn't make her attitude worse."

She turned her attention back to Snowstar, who had called Moonpaw forward. "Moonpaw, is it your wish to take the path of a medicine cat?" The light gray tabby nodded. His bright blue eyes were shining with excitement. Snowstar beckoned Otterfoot forward. "Otterfoot, you've had an apprentice before. Amberpaw was a blessing from StarClan. We lost her too soon."

Rainpaw had never met her mother's sister. She'd died when a badger attacked her while she was out gathering herbs. She'd had no combat training and didn't stand a chance. Rainpaw's brother Amberpaw was named after her.

Otterfoot dipped his head solemnly. He'd been very close with his former apprentice before she died. Snowstar gestured to Moonpaw. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice, who has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Please guide and nurture him as he follows this path, so that he may understand your ways and heal his clan to the best of his ability." Moonpaw touched his nose to Otterfoot's.

"Alright, there is one more announcement I need to make before we resume normal activities," mewed Snowstar, "The Gathering is tonight! Lionshadow and Otterfoot will come, of course. Moonpaw, you can come too, since you're Otterfoot's apprentice and I think it would be a good experience for you on your first day." Rainpaw could hear Batpaw complaining in the background about why Moonpaw could go and not her.

Snowstar continued listing off cats, including Smokepelt, Meadowfrost, Falcontail, Softpetal, Tumblepaw, Roseheart,Bearstrike, Rainpaw and Amberpaw. When she finally dismissed the clan, Rainpaw exchanged a thrilled look with her brother. Batpaw was clearly outraged and Sharkpaw was having a hard time hiding his jealousy. Only Creekpaw looked excited for them. "I hope you have fun," he mewed. Rainpaw felt a flash of gratitude to the young tom. Aside from Moonpaw, Creekpaw was the easiest to get along with. He wasn't headstrong or aggressive like Batpaw and Sharkpaw.

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