Chapter 1-8 weeks The appearance

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Eddie felt the bed move and saw the bright light of the curtain find the way to her eyes. Eddie opened her eyes and watched as Jamie sprung on a pair of pants. Her eyes were heavy as they were feeling the same way for the past three weeks. Her stomach flipped. She brushed the hair off her face and watched as Jamie gave her a puzzled look. She laid her head on his pillow pulled the blanket closer to her body. What. She mumbled with her face into the pillow?

Jamie watched her as her eyes fluttered close again. He bottomed up his shirt and sat on the side of the bed she was laying on while putting his socks on. You're staying home. Jamie said as he watched her expression change with her head still in the pillow?

No why. She asked him confused and flipped onto her back and starting to sit up. Jamie watched her start to fumble with the blanket while getting out of bed?

Jamie sighed. Ed, you've been sick for the past two weeks, stay home?

She looked at him with droopy eyes. I'm fine. She retorted back?

Still sitting on the bed he watched as she put her hair up into a ponytail in the bathroom connecting in their room. It's a Monday, I don't think much is going to happen today babe. He informed her from the other room. She dragged her feet back into the bedroom and sat next to him. Jamie watched as she plopped down and looked like she was going to pass out. Eddie leaned her head on his shoulder. I think I'm dying. She told him softly as her stomach twisted in knots. Jamie leaned down and kissed her head as she groaned. Lay down. He told her. When she didn't move off his shoulder he spoke again. Ed, please, you look like you are going to pass out, and if I leave and something happens... please babe. He begged?

She didn't say a word back to him. She laid back down on his side of the bed and he dragged the blanket over her body. He crouched down. Do you need anything before I leave. He checked. She shook her head no and he watched her eyes close?

The key to the house jungled as he opened the door. He walked into the house to find it the exact way he left it with the lights off and the bedroom door still halfway creaked open. Maya followed behind him, as she was on his duty today. Uh, make yourself comfortable I'll be out in a second. He warned her. Jamie placed his keys on the counter and made his way into the bedroom. He saw she was laying in the same spot staring at the door. Hey. She greeted him softly and leaned forward as he kissed her?

You okay. He asked concerned?

She changed positions and sat up in the king size bed. I'm okay. She responded. What are you doing here. She wondered?

Jamie looked at the door and back to her. Just checking on you, and Maya's with me today. He informed her?

She leaned forward on his body and felt his warmth radiate onto her. I love you. She smiled into his chest as he rubbed her back. I love you too. He smirked?

They stayed in that position for a few seconds. Come on, let's eat and then I have to go. She stared at him weakly. Okay. She responded while Jamie helped her out of bed?

He guided her into the kitchen where Maya was staring at their wedding photo that hung on the wall. You don't look too hot. Maya greeted?

Eddie smirked. Hi Maya. She laughed back and sat on the stool to the island while Maya joined her?

Is sarge taking good care of you. Maya cooed while the three of them ate. Jamie began choking. What. She asked in excitement. It's adorable. She laughed?

Maya finish eating. Jamie laughed as he took a bite of their take out. His eyes found Eddie's plate and she just played with her food. Ed, why don't you go lay down. Her eyes moved up to his meeting his. I feel like I'm going to pass out. She motioned. She held her head up with her hands?

Maya watched Eddie and Jamie. I'll meet you in the car, sarge. She told him. Jamie nodded towards her and Jamie helped Eddie up?

She sat on the bathroom seat and bounced her leg up and down as her eyes were set on the pregnancy test she took just a minute ago. All of the symptoms made sense to her. Her phone timer rang and she quickly flipped over the test and her eyes immediately started watering. Oh, my God. She laughed as she viewed the two pink lines?

Jamie walked into the house and found her seated on the couch watching TV all bundled up with blankets. Hey, you look better. He smiled at her grateful?

Hi. She smiled at him and he took a seat next to her. He put his feet on the coffee table in front of them and felt his foot kick something. He leaned forward and picked up the pink pregnancy test off the floor and looked at Eddie with wide eyes. Babe. He questioned. She laughed at his reaction. I found out and hour ago. She smiled as tears fell down her face?

Seriously. He asked with a wide smile on his face?

Seriously. She smiled back, while Jamie tackled her on the couch?

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