Chapter 20-1 week Love you most

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Jamie walked into the living room and saw Eddie laying on the couch with Scarlet in her arms. She was all bundled up and wrapped in blankets to keep her warm. Her eyes open at her mommy and Eddie's down at her with a wide smile?

Hey, you can go shower if you want and I'll watch her. He said as he watched Eddie start laughing at Scarlet as she made a few gurgling noises and fell asleep after she finished feeding her. He moved over and sat down next to his girls and watched the baby nussle against Eddie in the blanket?

She carefully moved Scarlet into Jamie's arms and fixed the blanket around her. She's perfect. She said to him and watched her every movement. Eddie leaned her head against Jamie's shoulder?

She's just like you. Jamie smiled and looked over at Eddie with beaming eyes towards her daughter?

And she's got your eyes. She pointed out with the bright baby blue eyes sparkling up at him. They watched the baby constantly look back at her mom and dad?

Look at her, she knows you're voice. Jamie noticed. They both stayed in that position for a few moments. Eddie got up and made her way to the shower while she was still sleeping?

Jamie leaned back against the couch and put the baby against his chest as she stayed asleep. He swiped his hands against the baby's back while the TV played in the background. She had the light blonde features, the same as Eddie. Her eyes look exactly like his and her lips just like Eddie's. You know you look just like your mommy, princess. He said to her. I love you. He said and placed a kiss to her head?

Eddie walked out of the shower, her hair up in a ponytail. She saw Jamie asleep with Scarlet on his chest. His hands wrapped around her body and a bottle on the floor. Eddie bent down and grabbed the baby out of his arms and brought her into her arms. Hey princess, did you fall asleep with daddy. She soothed while Scarlet stayed asleep in her arms. She knelt down next to Jamie. Hey. She said while she ran her hair through his hair. Come on, it's late, we should get to bed?

Jamie opened his eyes and went straight to Eddie. I think she fell asleep before I did. He said groggy and stood up. Eddie smirked and looked at Scarlet in her arms. They brought her into her room and placed her into the crib?

I don't want to leave her. Eddie said to Jamie while they watch her in the crib. Jamie was using his time off to stay with the two of them?

He wrapped his arms around her and looked down at the little girl in the crib, wrapped in pink blankets. Can we put her in our room. Jamie asked her?

Yes. She smiled at him and kissed him. Eddie lifted her up from the crib and they moved her into their room. They laid in bed and put Scarlet in between them and watched her every move?

The light was shining through the curtain, the baby in the crib next to Eddie's side of the bed. They heard the door to the house open and Jamie immediately sat up and allowed Eddie to stay sleeping. Jamie walked into the kitchen with just his pajama bottoms on and saw Henry and Erin standing over the island preparing food. What are you guys doing here. He asked in the midst of rubbing his eyes?

It's Sunday. Erin looked up. And your wife just had a baby, so now it's our turn to do all the work. She notified him?

Henry looked at his grandson's tired face. Go back to bed, we'll wake you when we're done. They will all be over by one, you have at least three hours. Go back to sleep?

Jamie smirked and padded back into their room. Eddie was faced towards the crib with her eyes closed just like their daughter. Jamie climbed back into bed next to her and spooned her. Eddie opened her eyes and noticed Jamie's arms snaked around her. Hey, go back to sleep. He said with his eyes closed?

Who's here. She asked looking over at the crib to see Scarlet still asleep?

Pops and Erin, they are making dinner. Go back to sleep. Eddie settled back down against his back and turned over into his arms?

I love you. She mumbled before she fell back to sleep against him before she had to feed her again?

Eddie woke up to Scarlet wide awake. She leaned over and brought her to her chest. Hey baby girl. She smiled and feed her. Did you sleep well?

Jamie's head was on Eddie's stomach. He looked up at the two of them. Morning?

Eddie ran her hand through his hair. Morning?

They both got out of bed and padded into the kitchen. The family was all hanging out in the kitchen helping out with dinner. Eddie held the baby in her arms. Look who's here. Eddie said to Scarlet who had wide eyes staring at her mommy. Look there's grandpa. Eddie smiled as Frank moved closer to them?

Hi sweetie. He greeted Eddie with a kiss on her cheek and his attention went straight to the little girl in her arms. He moved to the couch where Danny joined Frank?

Hey kids, how's life the baby. Danny asked the two of them who were currently in the kitchen and went straight for Scarlet. Can I hold her. He asked quickly to Frank who passed her over?

Eddie moved to help Erin in the kitchen. What do you want me to do?

Erin looked over at Eddie. Oh no, I've got it all under control in here. You need to go relax. You just had a baby. She reminded her?

Are you sure. She asked again and looked at Frank, Danny and Jamie with the baby?

Erin looked at Eddie staring at her little girl. Go play with your baby?

Eddie moved over and sat next to Jamie who had a sleeping Scarlet in his arms. Hey, I got kicked out the kitchen?

As soon as Eddie started talking Scarlet's eyes opened towards her. Well look who knows her mommy. Danny pointed out?

Eddie grabbed onto Scarlet and rewrapped her blanket. Hi baby. She smiled in her direction while she put her in her arms?

You two did good. Frank smiled at the three of them?

Jamie moved and kissed Eddie on the head. These are my girls?

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