Chapter 17-32 weeks Never forget

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They walked into the correctional facility and saw her father sitting on the bench waiting?

Eddie quickly ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Hi daddy. She cried when she saw his face?

Her father buried his face into her and hugged her tight. Hey princess. He smiled through his tears?

He released himself from Eddie and moved over to shake Jamie's hand. Jamie. He smiled?

Mr. Janko, how are you. Jamie responded politely and took a seat next to Eddie?

Armin looked around the room and went back into Jamie's direction. Living the dream. He looked over at Eddie. Congratulations baby girl. He smiled and spoke to her just like when she was little?

Eddie smiled through her tears. Thank you?

Armin looked over at his daughter and back at Jamie. How much longer?

Eddie kept a hand on her stomach as a new habit for keeping the baby safe. Only a few more weeks, Doctor said she could be coming sooner than later?

Armin looked up at her. You're having a girl?

Jamie leaned over and kissed her head. She'll be here before we know it?

Armin watched Jamie. He kept a close eye on Eddie at all times. He kept his hand wrapped around her side. So, what's new with you two, besides you're expecting a baby?

Really nothing crazy, we brought a house and just finished renovating it. She said. She grabbed her phone from her coat and pulled up the pictures of the house?

Armin scrolled through the pictures and he eventually made his way to the baby's room. Oh Edit, the room. He smiled seeing the teddy bear and bunny. He saw in the corner of the room, Eddie's little baby bunny. You still have it?

Eddie smiled knowing exactly what he was talking about. I never forgot about it?

Jamie looked over at the two of them confused. Still have what?

When Edit was little, her mother and I bought her this little stuffed bunny. We didn't think it was anything really special. We were walking around the store and she wouldn't stop crying, so we grabbed the first thing we saw and she calmed down, and she never left home without that bunny. Armin explained to Jamie?

Jamie smiled at the thought of a little Eddie, and now they were having a little one of their own. That's the part I'm going to be excited about, bragging about our little girl and showing her off to everyone at the office?

Eddie laughed. She pictured herself even now bringing in a baby to the 2-9 for Jamie to visit. I can picture myself bringing her in to see you all bundled up?

Her father laughed at the two of them. Did you kids figure out a name yet. He wondered aloud?

We decided on Scarlet as the first name and then Gracie as the middle. She explained to her father?

That's beautiful. He smiled. Does your mother know yet?

Eddie nodded. Yeah, I was with her last week?

Your mom has a lot of your baby stuff at home that you can take with you for your baby. He said?

Yeah, she gave me stuff when I stopped by. Our boss gave us some cute baby outfits to put on her as well. She smiled?

Her father smiled at his little girl. He missed practically her whole life and he refused to miss this. He was going to be released in less than a few months. You're going to be a great role model, and Jamie. He looked over at him. Take care of my baby girl?

Jamie smiled at her father. Always do?

They walked into the house and Eddie made her way on the couch. Jamie walked into the baby room?

Hey, what are you doing in there. Eddie asked as she saw him enter the room from the couch?

Jamie came out of the room with a gift bag and placed it on her lap?

She looked at it confused. What's this?

Jamie glanced up at her and then back down at the gift. Just open it?

Eddie took the gift out of the bag and slowly unwrapped it. It revealed a key chain of the baby on an ultrasound. You can change it as soon as we get a picture of her in person. He said to her?

Aw, thank you. She smiled at him?

There's one more thing. Jamie notified and watched her pull it out?

She pulled out the certificate and a box. Jamie, please don't be messing with me?

I'm not. He smiled. Open it up?

She pulled open the top of the box and there was the gold shield with her badge number on it. Jamie started talking before she could say anything. My dad wanted me to give it to you personally?

Eddie jumped on top of him. Oh, my God, I'm a detective. She laughed. I'm a detective?

Congratulations. Jamie smiled at her while she pounced on top of him again and kissed her. It's not active until after you're done with your maternity leave and if you decide you want to come back?

Eddie smiled. I still want to be on the streets. I love being able to work on the streets with Maya, and of course I want to come back. I just may take a little break to see all of her first. I don't want to miss any of that?

Hey, I want to be there too. I took off a few months with all my vacation time to help you out around the house. I'll go into work about the most four times a week and then I'll be home with you. He surprised her. You can still walk patrol, my dad said. He knew you would ask that. He basically informed me that you can do whatever you choose?

Thank you Jamie. She said ecstatic. Thank you, thank you, thank you. She screeched?

Jamie leaned down and kissed her stomach. It's all on you now baby girl. He felt a slight flutter up against him again?

She's up. Eddie laughed. She was quiet all day?

What can I say, she's like her daddy. He smirked?

Eddie laughed. I really hope she is?

Congratulations Detective Reagan. Jamie said to her again and kissed her on the lips. Just a few more weeks?

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