Chapter 11-20 weeks Pink or blue

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They sat in the waiting room while Eddie bounced her leg. Eddie, relax. She was very fidgety as Jamie took notice. She looked around the room and saw the pictures of all the doctors on the wall, as well the TV screen that played the same video of a baby in the womb?

She glanced at the door for the hundredth time and then back in Jamie's direction. I can't, I'm nervous and excited. She smiled?

He reached over for her hand and tightened his grip. You ready?

She looked at him with wide eyes. No. She said immediately?

Jamie bursted into laughter. Oh babe?

They waited for another ten minutes, making small talk when they heard the door open up. Eddie Reagan. They called. She glanced in Jamie's direction and let out a deep breath?

Hi. She said while they walked over to her?

The nurse smiled back at her. You can follow me right this way. They stopped at the small room with a few different computers and only a few lights on for obvious reasons?

Okay Eddie, I'm going to give you this gown to put on, the doctor will be right in. The nurse said to her?

Thanks. She said as she left the room and began undressing. Jamie took her clothes and folded them into a pile while she sat down and waited for the doctor to come in?

They heard a knock at the door and Dr. Kwak came in with her chart. Hey, welcome back. He greeted the two of them. Halfway done I can see. He pointed out and motioned for her to lay down on the exam table?

She stood on the step and carefully brought her feet over the table as the paper crinkled. Eddie had her head against the pillow with one hand behind it along with her other hand squeezing Jamie's while she waited for him as he got the equipment ready?

Yeah, it's happening quick. She looked in Jamie's direction. How's the sickness been. He asked remembering to the last visit?

It's on and off, it's gotten better though, I'm just in a lot of pain now. She explained?

Dr. Kwak grabbed the gel. Okay, I'm going to pour some of the gel on your belly now. He explained to her as he distributed an even amount against her lower abdomen. He waved the wand against her stomach and rubbed the gel around. The computer was faced in his direction as he watched the two of them keeping small talk. As soon as I get this setup, I will flip the screen for you guys to see. He informed?

Eddie nodded her head and squeezed Jamie's hand and watched as he applied a fair amount of pressure on her bladder which she was not enjoying at the moment?

After a few more, he looked up at them. Okay, you guys ready. He asked them?

Eddie's eyes lit up in excitement. Yes. She responded immediately?

He turned the screen to face them and revealed the baby towards them. Eddie immediately started crying while she read the heart machine that read. 140 BPM. She laughed as tears left her eyes. That's our baby?

Jamie leaned over and softly planted a kiss on her head. That's our baby. He repeated to her as it felt so surreal?

Their eyes glued to the screen, Dr. Kwak began pointing different things out with his free hand while typing, clicking and removing the wand around with the other hand. So here is your baby's head, its nose, and its face. He pointed out at the two of them?

Eddie didn't even need him to explain what everything was, she was able to see the baby perfectly on the monitor. They kept their eyes glued to the screen and watched the little figure on the screen started to yawn. Aww. Eddie adored as the tears started back up again?

Dr. Kwak continued to rub the wand around on her stomach. Do you guys want to know the sex. He asked the two of them?

Her eyes went wide and she looked towards Jamie quickly and back at him. Yes. She said excitedly?

Eddie let out a deep breath preparing herself. Ready. He asked her. She nodded her head. It's a girl. He pronounced excited for the couple. Eddie's eyes continued to water. A girl, we're having a girl. She cried against Jamie while he kissed her softly and rubbed her tears away?

Yes we are. Jamie said to her as he let a few of his own tears fall into her hair while he kissed her head?

He clicked a few more buttons on the monitor and then wiped the gel off her stomach. Everything looks really good you guys. He said happy for the couple. Have you guys felt any movement yet. He asked before he let them leave?

I think I felt flutters, I don't know for sure though, it always feels like I'm just going to get sick. She told him honestly?

That is actually your baby moving around inside of you. He explained to her. And starting now you both should be able to feel your little girl's movements. He said?

They were all seated for dinner when the topic sprung. Henry asked first, impatient to wait any longer. So, what are you guys having. He asked excitedly while all eyes went to them?

Jamie looked at Eddie and let her tell the news. She was so excited it was a little girl. She loved all the outfits people were giving to her and she couldn't wait to put the baby in them. We're having a girl. She laughed while the tears started to come back again?

Rounds of congratulations, and I knew it, spread across the table. Did you get pictures. Nicky asked ecstatically. She prayed they would be having a girl because there have been so many boys in the family?

They are in my purse, I can bring them out when we're done. She smiled just as excited as Nicky was?

Erin looked over at Jamie down the table. I'm stealing her and we're going shopping. She said?

Hey, I'm coming too. He laughed?

Eddie laughed at his response. He was so excited when we were looking at the baby clothes the other day. She explained. Renzulli gave us some stuff and we were rummaging through them like five year olds in a candy store. She laughed with Jamie?

I will say, I'm excited it's a girl. He smirked. He leaned back in his chair. Gonna have some tea parties, and play dress up. He smirked at Eddie as she laughed along with the girls as they listened to him coo?

Don't mind if I join you. Danny joined and took a sip of his wine. Princess Danny Reagan to the rescue. And they all bursted into laughter?

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