Chapter 5-12 weeks First look

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Well, well, well, look who we have here. Dr. Kwak said as he entered into the room?

Hey. Jamie greeted. Dr. Kwak was friends with Linda when she worked in the hospital before she passed. She would be able to grab any type of information and slip it to Danny or Jamie whenever they needed it?

Dr. Kwak moved to the monitor and started looking through the information he needed to know before he got started. So, you kids are having one of your own. He smiled at Eddie?

Yeah, guess so. Eddie smiled. She had one hand tucked underneath the pillow and one holding onto Jamie's hand?

How have you been feeling. He asked her. I see you-- He stopped and looked back at the chart. You've been feeling faint lately. That feeling any better. He wondered?

The paper on the table moved as he moved the table lower to start the ultrasound. No, not really. I feel very weak and lightheaded all the time. She told him honestly. I uh-- I almost passed out last week?

He began typing that into her chart and sighed. Well, that's common a lot in the first trimester with the morning sickness, but you are about done. The morning sickness most of the time ends up settling down around four months. He said and moved the stool to the table. Sometimes, it last longer. He told her?

All right, I'm going hand you lift your shirt up. He signaled?

Eddie released her hand from Jamie and unbuttoned the bottom of her jeans. She reached back up and tightened her grip on Jamie's hand. Is it a bad thing though if I'm feeling this sick, like is it causing any stress on the baby. She worried?

No, but it's a sign of a healthy baby. My recommendation to you is to drink lots of water and always keep fluids in you. He suggested. You seem to get dehydrated quickly from what I'm noticing on your chat?

Eddie listened to his advice. And what about work?

Are you still on patrol. He wondered aloud?

She nodded. That's truly up to you when you feel it's not safe, but if you are feeling sick like this all the time, I don't recommend it. He gave her his opinion?

She sighed. Ready. Dr. Kwak asked as he tucked a paper sheet in the waistline of her pants?

Eddie nodded and took a deep breath and looked up at Jamie and back down at the screen. He leaned down and kissed her head?

Okay, this is going to feel cold. He warned as he squirted the gel down on her lower abdomen. He clicked a few keys on the ultrasound monitor. So right now we're going to take a look at the baby, take a few measurements and then I'll see if the Doppler can register the heartbeat yet. He prepared her?

He removed the probe off the cradle and moved it down to Eddie's stomach. You have a little bump already. He noted as he placed the wand on her stomach?

She giggled. Yeah, guess so?

He moved the wand around her lower abdomen in circles when the baby finally settled in one position. He clicked a few more buttons on the monitor and turned it for them to see the black and white little blob in the corner. There's the baby. He pointed?

So that's what's been making me sick. She laughed?

Dr. Kwak laughed. So right now it looks like just a blob, but over here you can make out the head. He pointed at the screen. And right here is the body?

Eddie's eyes started to water. So if I change views. He said as he flipped the view. Here you can see the mouth, and nose?

Jamie looked at the screen confused. What's floating right there. He pointed at the two blobs?

That right there is your baby's arms. He showed them?

Aww. Eddie laughed as tears fell down her face. Jamie ran his free hand across the top of her head. Look at you, babe?

He pulled out the Doppler and switch the images to the heartbeat and the room echoed. That is your baby's heartbeat. The sound filled the room as the machine recorded. The heart rate is steady, which is good. He said as he wiped the gel off her stomach?

Jamie squeezed her hand and kissed her head. Everything looks good you two, so next appointment you schedule we can find out the sex. He clarified. You guys think you want to find out. He asked?

Yeah, definitely. Eddie said as she fixed her clothes back to normal?

Here are your pictures. He said to her as the printed out. And if the morning sickness keeps up, let me know, so I can check up with you again and see what's going on in there. He suggested?

Will do. She smiled as Jamie helped her with her coat?

And if you ever need anything in short notice just call and I'll fit you right in. You guys drive safe. He waved?

That's in me. She laughed and leaned into Jamie as they walked out of the building?

He wrapped his arms around her back. You're adorable. He laughed as he watched her expressions. She was smiling and so happy. He hadn't seen her like this in a while ever since she was feeling sick?

Still thinking about riding patrol. He wondered. He knew it wasn't safe for her or the baby?

Jamie, I don't want to do desk duty. She complained. I'm not the type of person that can sit around while all the action is happening around me. If I start to feel unsafe about it, then I'll go straight to desk, but as of now... She told him and tried to figure out his expression?

Ed-- Jamie tried?

Jamie, please. You're my husband right now and as of now, I haven't told my Sarge yet. She claimed?

Okay. He said?

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