Chapter 16-30 weeks Breathless

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Eddie sat with Erin inside the house while the rest of the family was outside celebrating Sean's high school graduation. Thank you, for sitting with me in here. Eddie said to her sister-in-law who was making a cup of coffee?

Erin stirred the sugar into her cup. I remember being seven months pregnant, and it wasn't easy. She agreed and sat down next to her on the island. The hot flashes, fainting spells, not being able to get up?

Eddie smirked. I can't wait to be able to get off the couch in a matter of two seconds. It's like my whole body has changed?

Erin glanced at Eddie who was looking out the door. It's the little things that we take for granted. She sipped her cup in front of her?

She sighed. I couldn't sit out there much longer, I thought I was going to die of heat right then and there. She laughed?

Don't worry, I know what that felt like, I definitely don't miss that part of the pregnancy. Erin said?

My mom isn't much help either, she comes around every so often and complains that I'm gaining too much weight. She sighed in defeat. At this point, I can't do much about it?

Erin looked at her like she was crazy. Are you kidding. You look fabulous. She said to her. You should have seen Linda and I. She laughed at the thought. We looked like we were having triplets?

Eddie laughed. I sure don't feel like it. She smirked. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and I would burn it all off at the gym, now... the weight just keeps coming on, and I'm just so uncomfortable all the time now?

You're almost there. She reminded her. Almost less than two months and you'll have a little girl?

Eddie smiled at the thought. We finished the baby room a few weeks ago, sorta picked out her name, just giving it time to make sure it's the right one, now it's just the waiting game?

See, you're at the finish line. She smiled. They heard the door open and Jamie stepped into the kitchen quickly as he was on a mission?

Hey. He looked at the two girls and headed for the fridge. I didn't know you two were in here. He walked around towards Eddie and kissed her. He continued looking around the kitchen in a hurry?

What do you need. Erin asked quickly?

Jamie looked up and down. Where did dad put his graduation cake?

Erin looked behind her and saw Jamie searching the fridge?

Bottom shelf to the left. She glanced and they heard Jamie sigh a relief?

Erin watched him pull it out and place it on the counter. He grabbed the knife and was about to start cutting when Erin stopped him. Woah, no I'll do it. She said quickly before he cut into the cake. Stay in here, I'll be back. She said to him and lifted the cake off the counter and swung the door open to bring it outside?

He took over Erin's spot next to Eddie. Hey, why aren't you outside. He asked her?

She leaned her head into him. I was getting too hot and needed a break from all the noise. She told him truthfully?

Do you want to get going?

Eddie looked up at him and sat up. No, no, this is Sean's day. I'm perfectly content in here. She reminded him?

Well then, me too. He smiled at her. Whenever you're ready, just say the word?

Yes Sarge. She smirked?

They sat there for a little while and then made their way into the den. Baby kicking?

She yawned. All day. She placed her hand on her stomach where she felt the punches?

Jamie moved his hand over towards her stomach and she guided his hand under hers. Right... there. She glanced at him when he felt the motion?

Oh, she's squirming today. He smiled at her in amusement?

She does that only when she hears your voice. She pointed. She flutters her feet right into my side, and it's always on the side you're on. She smiled as he looked up at her?

Frank walked into the house and heard the giggling coming from the den. He moved into the room and saw the two of them laughing next to each other?

I didn't know you guys were in here, we were looking for you. He said to the two of them. The cake is cut if you guys want a piece?

They both denied his offer and watched him take a seat across from them. Due date is coming soon?

Yeah, a few months away. Eddie smiled at him?

Jamie moved up on the couch a bit. Hitting the home stretch?

Did you kids choose a name. Frank asked them curiously?

Eddie looked over at Jamie in which they both decided they wanted to keep the name a secret and not get everyone's hopes up in case they change it. We did, but we don't want to share it just yet. He said aloud?

Any suggestions. Eddie looked at him as he thought about the question?

He looked down and tapped his floor against the floor and looked up at the two of them. Your mother said that if we ever had another girl, we would name her Grace. He smiled at the thought. Something about the name brings back all the memories?

Eddie looked at Jamie in amusement. That was the middle name. Grace. She asked?

He smiled at her. That's the middle name. She smiled knowing they made the right choice?

Gracie. Jamie said and looked up at his dad. That's the middle name we decided on?

It's a beautiful name. He glanced at the two of them. Just do yourselves a favor, when you choose a name, don't worry about other people's opinions, because not everyone is going to like it. That's what makes it unique. He reminded them?

Eddie looked over at Jamie knowing they had to at least tell his father. Don't tell anyone else. Eddie said getting excited. Scarlet Gracie Reagan is what we decided on. She smiled?

Jamie wrapped an arm around Eddie while they heard Frank start talking again. That's a beautiful name. It fits you guys perfectly?

That's our little girl?

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