Chapter 7-14 weeks Risky business

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Jamie walked through the front door and saw Eddie laying on the couch watching a movie. He removed his shoes and walked around the couch in front of her and turned off the movie she was watching?

Hey, I wa-- She started when Jamie took her mouth in his. She stopped talking and allowed him to keep going?

She moaned as he released his lips from hers. Rough day. She assumed by the way he entered through the house?

He sat down next to her and signaled for her to put her head on his lap so he could play with her hair. You have no idea. He responded and gave her one more kiss. How are you feeling. He asked her as he ran his finger through her hair soft hair?

She groaned. My body aches everywhere. She started. My legs are cramped, my abdomen hurts. She told him and closed her eyes?

Here, flip. He motioned for her so he could rub the knots out of her legs?

She moved and placed her legs on his thighs. He started to message them for her?

Did you ever think when you married me, that this is what we would be doing on a Friday night. She asked?

He laughed. When we got married, I thought we would be the crazy newlyweds who would walk home drunk all the time from the bar?

Eddie had to laugh. You mean every time I got tipsy and you had to walk me home after our tours when we were just partners. She joked. Boy did I hate you every time that word came out of your mouth?

Jamie smirked and looked up at her smiling face. We wouldn't be where we are now. Our relationship might have been all screwed up. He reminded her. And if this is what our Friday nights look like now, it wouldn't change it for the world?

How did I get so lucky. She smirked at him?

Jamie smirked sly. I'm just a great guy?

Oh shut up. She laughed and threw her head back. You're a pain in my ass?

But you still love me. He joked?

She shook her head at him. Jamie would always find some way to joke with her at any time during the day that she needed some cheering up. What's going on with the sharp pains. He asked next in concern?

She moved around so she could get comfortable. I'm cramping on my right side. She told him?

You're not on your period, are you. He asked almost immediately. He knew that when she would get her period she would receive cramping on her right side and that was not something that was supposed to happen while she was pregnant?

What. No, definitely not. She responded quickly. No, this is normal, I looked it up because I thought the same thing. It's my ligaments or something. Just a lot of fancy terms saying I'm having a normal pregnancy?

He let out a deep breath. Okay good. He responded and waited a second before he spoke again. So, what do you feel like watching tonight?

Woah, wait. I feel energized today. I don't want to sit home any longer. She said while sitting up?

Jamie looked at her confused. Well, what do you want to do. He wondered?

Danny does that family game night thing we can go to. She suggested?

Jamie scrunched up his face. Do we have to go to that. He begged?

Well, what else do you have in mind. She asked curiously. His eyes widened and he leaned forward as Eddie dropped back on the couch as he slowly moved on top of her?

Well, we could, you know. He said sly?

Eddie giggled. Are you up for it. She asked with a grin. I'm energized more than you think today?

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