Chapter 2-9 weeks Now you know

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Eddie was seated next to Jamie at the dinner table when Danny and Erin started to go at each other's necks again at family dinner?

You can't put the man in jail. Really Erin. That's your excuse. He yelled across the table as he shoved a piece of food in his mouth. Erin's face was red and fuming with a comeback but was interrupted?

Every single dinner you two can't seem to get along, you argue about the same thing. Henry pointed out. He waited a hot second as they both started to calm down. Danny, how many warrants supposed to. He questioned. He was about to argue back when he continued. How many times have you barged into her office and she give you what you needed. He justified?

Danny was burning with anger. You're joking right. He laughed in annoyance?

What have you done for her. Henry asked him, Danny's mouth opened slightly. I don't want to hear it. Eat. He yelled directly towards the two siblings?

The yelling made Eddie start to feel queasy. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. Jamie watched her expressions change. He put his hand on her chair and leaned closer without making a scene. You okay. He asked her discreetly?

She took a deep breath and nodded her head at him and sat back up straight. Nobody paid attention to them due to the amount of yelling that was happening around the table. They heard Danny still rioting back to Erin when they heard Sean speak. So it's Eddie and Jamie's anniversary. He yelled across the table. Everyone grew quiet including Danny and Erin?

Frank let out a laugh from across the table, and then Danny spoke again. Yeah, so when are you two gonna start popping out some babies. He blurted?

Danny. Erin yelled?

He looked at her again and the feud started. What. Am I no longer allowed to ask questions anymore either. He argued back?

Eddie looked at Jamie and sighed as they watched the two of them bickering again?

You don't ask someone that. She warned him. The two of them already were hating on each other enough that Eddie was starting to get annoyed?

Why not. It takes nine months, that's a long time, if you wait too long they aren't even going to have time for kids. He informed Erin?

Neither of them worrying about the anniversary of the couple or what was relevant in their life right now seemed to take in any consideration. Danny did you or Linda carry those boys around for nine months. You know that it's not easy, and the amount of pressure that goes along with it. She called out?

But still, that's nine months long that they would have to wait. He argued back?

Eddie was sick of the bickering and took the floor. Yep, that's nine months, which means that if I get knocked up now then... we'll have a baby in October. She said calmly?

Danny sent a retorted look back at Erin. See. He pointed out trying to prove his point?

Jamie sent a smirked smile to Eddie. So, a baby in October. He said nonchalantly while the rest of the family was somewhat listening to them?

Eddie smiled and went along. Yeah, seems about right?

Erin looked over in shock. Wait what?

Erin. Danny yelled back over as he wasn't done proving his point?

Erin turned her head back over to him. Danny, shut up for two sec-- She warned as Eddie was about to talk again?

Er-- He argued back over again?

Eddie looked over at Jamie and the back towards the rest of the family. So, if we get pregnant now, we'll have a baby in October the latest?

Which means... Danny interrupted again, not putting two and two together?

I'm nine weeks pregnant. She smiled. Jamie leaned forward and kissed her head?

Well congratulations. Frank told the couple?

Woah, hold up, no congratulations yet. Danny warned and started the interrogation process. You're actually pregnant, like actually. He asked in disbelief. You did that?

Erin looked at him embarrassed. Danny you I. She sighed. Congratulations to you two, when did you find out. She asked?

What no, stop. Danny called out towards Erin. How did this happen?

Jamie kept a straight face. Danny?

Kid, I know how kids are made, I made two of them. He told him. I just-- you're my kid brother. He said in shock. Congratulations, seriously, you deserve it?

They both said their thank yous and then the next series of questions started. Well that was quick. Erin pointed out?

Jamie laughed. You both were just arguing that we were too late. He directed towards Erin?

Well now it was quick. Danny informed as he shoved a piece of food into his mouth?

Not really, we've been trying for a while. Nothing happened though, that's why we didn't know right away, because we didn't even think that it was possible anymore. She told the rest of the family?

Yeah, so no spreading the word around yet. Jamie told them?

Yes Sir. They all responded?

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